Chapter 3

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Draco's pov:
I was freaking out,My heart was racing ten times faster than it was before. I had to try and calm myself down before he noticed,So I sat down as quietly as I could and just listened

I looked from behind the tree.Harry was getting up and grabbing his things and leaving.I felt strange,like I didn't want him to go.I had no idea why I felt this way,Harry was supposed to me my enemy. I watched Harry pull the cloak onto his head and his whole body disappeared,I sighed.I waited five minutes before heading back up to the castle.

The whole way up my head was filled with questions 'How was harry so good at guitar' 'Why was he down by the lake at this time' but the main thing that was flowing through my mind was 'Do I even hate him anymore?' .

I entered the password and stepped into the slytherin common room,No body was about.I walked up the stairs into my room,My eyes looked over to the clock. 1:36 it read.I fell onto my bed not even bothering to change into my pyjamas and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning,Still tired from the night before.My eyes drafted to the clock.I was late for class 'Shit' I thought.I had potions, Snapes going to kill me.I threw on my robes and ran out the common room and to potions.

I pushed open the door,Hardly nothing everyone was staring at me.I walked over to my seat and sat down.My hair was a complete mess and I was out of breath.Snape walked over to my desk
"So Malfoy" snape spat "Why are you late?"
"I'm sorry sir,I accidentally slept in"
"Well...That mean detention,On Saturday,9O'clock sharp"
He walked away.I just looked down and sat there for the whole lesson
Harry's Pov:
I was sat by Ron,We was making Felix Felicis. I was stirring the potion when a certain blonde haired slytherin ran into the room looking like a complete mess
"Sorry sir,I accidentally slept in"I heard him say.I couldn't really hear the rest of the conversation so I carried on with the potion.

Potions was finished so me,Ron and Hermione headed to lunch.We sat down,We were laughing at a joke Ron,When once again the same blonde slytherin turned up late.He managed to fix him white blonde hair so it wasn't a complete mess like it had been before.Harry stared.He noticed something different about . Harry didn't see him how he did before,Today he looked rather attractive? 'No,no,no...I'm not gay,and especially not for Malfoy!'Harry thought.Harry looked down trying hard not to stare at the boy at the table over him but for some reason he couldn't resist.
Draco's Pov:
I had noticed Harry looking at me.I glanced up,We locked eyes for a brief moment until he broke it off.I quickly ate my food and dashed off before anyone noticed and went to the place I found Harry the night before,The black lake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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