The Unknown Organ!

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Lily was walking on the computer.

Matsuda: You been working hard...

Lily: I want to be a police officer like me dad was...

Matsuda: Really?

Lily: He was gun down by a drunk person....

Matsuda sat next to Lily.

Matsuda: tell me more...

Lily kept working.

Lily: It's strange....I don't know my Organ....

Matsuda: Hah?

Lily: My dad never told me....and when my mom sent me away...all she said was......"no matter what happens....don't lose faith in me or your dad"

Matsuda looked shocked.

Lily: I had  a Grandma, Grandpa, and a Aunt but....I never did see them.... I better keep walking...

Matsuda: I will too...

Lily looked at the computer.

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