Almost killed!

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Near and Lily waited outside the building.

When a car drove up.

A blonde boy and a red haired boy with goggles got out of the car.

Near grabbed Lily's hand, tightly.

The two boys walked up to them.

The four of them stared at each other.

Near: Hello...Mello...

Mello took of his sun glasses.

Mello: Hello Near...

Matt: This must be their daughter!

Lily nodded.

Mello glared at her.

Near: Shall we go?

Mello: The girl is coming with me on my motorcycle!

Near: No!

Matt: Near.....

Near: Don't! I don't trust Mello alone with Lily!

Mello scoffed.

Mello: Come on Near! You wanted us to come s and didn't L say that all three of us have to watch her?

Near sighed.

Near: Fine...

Mello took his motorcycle from the back of the car.

Mello: Get on!

Lily slowly walked to Mello and pushed herself on.

She wrapped her arms around Mello's stomach and they were off.

They went down the road and turn left to a forest.

They drove off the path and stopped in the forest.

Mello and Lily got off.

Mello turned to her.

Mello: Soo...your Kira's daughter!

He said.

Lilly nodded.

Mello: I don't care if  L and Light were dating.....Light killed L....I won't forgive easily....

Lily backed up a little.

Mello: Come with me....

Lily followed Mello to a cliff.

Lily walked to the edge and looked down.

It was a long way down...

She turned around and saw Mello pointing a gun out her.

Mello: You have two choices..... jump the cliff or die by my gun.....

Lily gulped.

Lily: I'm not like my father!!

Mello: I know....but you're still Kira's daughter....

Lily: Mello please!!! Don't do this....

Mello looked at her.

Light: Mello please! You can't!

Mello: Why shouldn't I? You killed L....why shouldn't I kill your daughter?

Light: I'm sorry....please don't hurt her.....she's the only family I have left! If you kill would be dishonoring L's memory!!

Mello: Shut up!!!! You shouldn't be talking!! You didn't care about him at all!! I won't kill your baby but the next time I see won't be that easy....

Mello puts down the gun.

Mello: I won't kill you....yet.....let's go....

They got on the motorcycle and drive to the Graves.

They got to the Graveyard.

Near and Matt were waiting.

Near: What did you do Mello!!

Mello: I didn't do Shit Near!!

Near: I know you did something!!! She weren't be shaking if you didn't!

Mello walked past Near.

Mello: Believe what you want!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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