8. Tattletale

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 I couldn't remember exactly how the night ended but she was gone, it was 10:30AM and all was right with the world. I stretched and rolled around in bed, confident and satisfied. I looked around for the bottle. Under the covers, on the floor, under the bed and there it was, only a third of the once full bottle left. On the kitchen island was a note from my dad that read Hey kiddo, getting a head-start on some stuff at the shop this morning. Enjoy a lazy day!

I took a cold shower and drank the water as it came rushing out of the shower head. I was thirsty from all the jager. I put on a bathrobe and watched TV, trying to shake off the hint of a hang over I had.

I was in the middle of pouring myself some coffee when there was a knock at the door. I checked the fisheye and it was Mickey. I opened the door without a second thought.

"Hey!" I smiled with freshly brushed teeth.

"Oh, hey, Allie, how's it goin?" he checked me out for a split second and looked down at the welcome mat, scratching his head.

"What's up?" I sipped my coffee.

"Me and your dad are down at the shop doing some catch-up and I figured, if you still want, we could use your help and maybe convince your dad we could bring you on, you know?"

"Aw, thanks."

"But I mean if you just wanted to chill today that's cool. It's still pretty damn hot out. You probably want to enjoy the weekend..."
"I'll help." I nodded. "Come in, lemme get ready." I opened the door and headed to my room.

Once I was in my room I took off the robe and put on some panties and a bra. I poked my head out the door, "how long have you guys been there?"

He did a double-take at my bare shoulders, "Oh, I was just on my way. Your pop's been there a few hours though."

I slinked back into my room and shouted back to him, "is your car okay?"

"Yeah it's all good. He told you about that, huh?"

"Yup. He still treats me like I'm little."

"He's just being a good dad."

I slipped on jeans, a tank top and socks and walked down the hall to him, "I know. You ready?"

"Let's get 'er done."

We pulled into the shop and my dad stepped out of the office with his hands on his hips and an order form in hand.

"And whose idea was this?" he shouted as Mickey parked.

Mickey was in full defense mode as he stepped out of the car, "oh you know, mutual decision."

"I see. I don't quite believe it but I see."

"No really!" I hopped in front of Mickey to take the pressure off him.

"So a young lady who just got finished with a busy school week would rather wake up early and work on cars in this hundred-degree heat than sleep in at home?"

"I couldn't have said it better myself." I nodded as I snatched the order form from him. "Hmm, breaks. I can do that. You want to resurface the rotor?"

"You are not touching that brake lathe."

"Oh come on, it's a piece of cake."

"Look, that college kids came back, said his car's been acting up. The one with the engine light."

"Is it here?"

"Yeah. You can check that out since you know the car." he grabbed the form back from me and headed into the office.

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