Different Side-KaibaxOC(Request)

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A/N: First thing's first. The OC is not mine. (She's a great OC by the way) This is from SacredWarrior

Read the author's note at the end. It's very very important.

For some, Christina was seen as someone you don't want to mess with. Some people liked to be around her, as she liked the same things they did and did things that made them feel better. For example, one thing was that she completely loyal to her friends, and that was something that was always appreciated. Christina didn't really care if others didn't like her for who she was.

Though, there was one person who she really wondered what he thought about her. Of course, being in a relationship would most likely equal love and attraction, but given how cold Seto Kaiba was it was hard to know what exactly went through his mind.

For that reason, Christina tried her best to figure Kaiba out. It wasn't easy, for her or for his little brother, Mokuba. The fact that Kaiba was also very busy didn't help them think of anything to get things out of him.

Mokuba had wanted to go to the park to hang around hi friends, but since Seto was really over protective, he tagged along. Mokuba had agreed, thinking it'd be a good time for Christina to talk to him.

"Do you really need to follow Mokuba everywhere?" Christina asked, crossing her ams.

"You don't know what happened to him before. A lot of things," Kaiba responded, not even glancing at her.

"He's a teenager now. He's capable of taking care of himself," she said.

Maybe it was because she felt like she could do things on her own, not needing much help, but she really thought that Mokuba was a strong teenager.

"You may have hidden your past from me for reasons I have no idea of," Kaiba started, finally looking at her, "but I have a feeling you're saying this because of that."

Christina shrugged, and leaned back on the park bench. She may be getting things out of Kaiba after all, but maybe in exchange of her own past. Christina wasn't really after Kaiba's past, or his relationships with those people he didn't like. She just wanted to know more about him now, and he thought about her.

Their relationship was a bit complicated. While they both knew they liked each other, they felt as if their relationship was a bit forced due to the lack of communication. Christina had her own problems to deal with, Kaiba worked way too much and barely talked to either of the two people in their house.

"That may be," she replied after a bit. "That's not what I want to talk about."

"Than what is?"

"About us."

Kaiba sighed, and nodded. "Go ahead."

"Seto, you've been very distant lately. Actually, from the first day," Christina said, and leaned forward. "I just want to know what you think about all this."

"I don't say yes to every person that asks me out, Christina," Kaiba told her. "I think that you should know that."

"Of course I do." Christina narrowed her eyes.

"Then why all this?"

"I'm curious. I feel like we're strangers."

"So do I. But what do you want me to do? I work way too much that I barely spend time at home," Kaiba said.

"Maybe just talk like this. Start by telling me about yourself?" she asked.

"I went to high school with an annoying guy who always wanted to be my friend," Kaiba said, and Christina knew very well who he was referring to. "This relationship is also very important to me."

Christina was surprised. She guessed he had said the first part to be able to say the next. He wasn't always open about himself, and always tried to add something unrelated to try and hide it.

The more Kaiba talked, the more Christina felt closer to him. Mokuba came back after a while. He didn't seem upset of having Kaiba there with him.

"Well, feel better?" Kaiba asked as they walked back to the limo that had just arrived.

"Much better." Christina smirked.

Mokuba sighed, knowing that there is going to be much more things going on in the house. Not bad things though. At least now, Mokuba would be able to spend more time with his brother now that Christina somehow convinced him to take breaks from work.

And they were all happy with that.

A/N: I feel like a terrible person. I took way too long with this. Unfortunately, I won't be taking any requests with OCs again because I realized I can't write them good. I'm sorry. I'm sure this wasn't what you were expecting, and I apologize deeply. But thanks for reading. Also, I don't have any requests right? If you did tell me, please remind me. I'll work on it right away.

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