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21-ellie-theres other men in camp. this is a bad idea. david gave us food. [here u go girls] sara got hers. i check her food. that looks like...[thx tym to eat] [wait sara] i grab it. [wats this?] [its a deerhes lying. [no its human meat]

22-ellie-saras surprise. [human meat?] david shows no expression. [why say that?] i explain. [i've seen monsters eat humans. how the flesh looks. i know what human meat is] i throw the food. sara stood infront me. a guy grab behind me. sara kick his guts. [thx sara]

23-ellie-david laugh. [yer a smart girl] saras arm change. david n his mens surprise. [shes infected. shoot her boys] their gona kill her. [noo] i push sara away. she fell towards the bush. pls go n run sara.

24-sara-i fell n land at a riverstream. [run sara. get help] i went n run. leaving ellie behind. darnit i dont wana leave. but i gotta help ellie. need to find choco. i follow the stream. hoping it leads to choco.

25-ellie-david grab n tied me. [go find the other one boys. i got business with her] they lefted n david face me. [yer a beautiful girl] oh my gad hes gona... sara? dad? riley? i thought about her. [riley save me]

26-riley-joel kept dodging my arrows. [cant we talk?] i reload my bow. [go ahead n talk] i aim my arrow at him. waiting for a strike. joel speaks without leaving his spot. [ellies lifes in danger. she cant go back to tess or yer momwait he knows mom?

27-riley-[how u know mom?] [shes firefly leader. also tess. my wife n gov leaders rival. they plan to cure mankind. but their way would kill ellie. but i have a way to save her. it involves saras immunity n yer help to save her. pls help me?]

28-riley-i thought about ellie. kill one to save alot huh? despite i hate those foks. killing ellies not right. i decide to help. [fine i'll coop] i put away my bow. joel came outta hiding. he show me a gps. [we can find ellie using this]

29-riley-we follow the gps. it leads to a riverstream. [u sure it'll help us find them?] [im sure it will] we continue on. then i've been bump. i face sara. [wolverine?] her nikname. [choco] my nikname. wait weres ellie?

30-riley-[weres ellie-] sara grab n drag me. [we gotta save elliethat girls always trouble. we follow sara. i spot group of men. [get down] i grab sara n joel n we hid. [heres the plan. joels gona stealth kill. sara will bakup. if joel mess up. i'll find ellie]

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