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41-ellie-riley got grab. i went to help. a soldier aim at riley. i was gona shield her. dad came in tym. he got shot in his thigh. [dad hold on] i grab his revolver. i aim at the soldiers. [put the gun down] i turn n face the soldier. his gun aim at riley. i drop the gun. [pls dont hurt her]

42-ellie-the soldiers grab n tie me. the soldier knock riley n shes out. she drops to the ground. im so sori riley. they drag n i follow. im heading back to base. bak to mom. i hope dad. riley. sara n antys ok.

43-riley-sara n marias ok. joels shot on his thigh. ellies gone. i ready my stuff. im going to save ellie. i spot sara. [im coming too] [keep up wolverine] [got it choco] we lefted n head to the gov base. i face sara. [lets split up. we'll meet bak here] [got it. be safe riley] [u too sara]

44-riley-my pistol was stolen by those soldiers. i pull my switchblade. this'll do. i sneak in n scan. no ones around. i kept looking around. im coming ellie. be safe. i turn a corner n spot tess. the gov leader. [drop the bladegadamit.

45-sara-i sneak around the back. i heard noise. its from the trees. i check it out. a hand grab me. [dont move. why yer here?] i face the woman. [im here for ellie] the woman nods. [lets go n get her] she lead me in. why is she here? does she know ellie?

46-ellie-im in the clean room. im tied up. damit i need to get out. i heard the door open. i spot sara. n a woman. whos she? [who are u?] [im marlene. firefly leadershes rileys mom. but why shes here?

47-riley-we kept walking. were we going? maybe she'll lead me to ellie. we turn a corner. i spot ellie. sara n.. mom? why shes here. my n ellies mom greet each other. [hi marlene] [hey tess]

48-riley-[lets trade. my kid n yer kid] mom nods. [fine lets] sara stays behind. ellie n i walk to each other. when were close. i grab n pull ellie away. then gunshots came. our moms fighting. [riley we gotta stop them] [yea lets save them]

49-riley-i close in on mom. i grab n pull her. [riley wheres ellie? u gotta get her] [i know ellies the cure. but we cant get the cure yer way. theres a safe way n i need u to allow me. i know this'll work] mom face me. [if it works n can save mankind. do what u must do]

50-ellie-i grab mom. [ellie gud yer safe lets go] [no mom. i cannot go n let u take my cure. if i do i'll only be killed. i cant go to marlene either. but i know a safe way. a way to save my life also. let me do this mom?] mom though bout it. [if its safe then i'll allow it]

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