Chapter Four: Freshman

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(Present day)

"Ethan!" Scout squealed as he picked her up from behind.

"Put me down you idiot!" Scout shrieked.

"I don't want to." Ethan whined.

"Shut up and put me down." Scout said in a more assertive and bold tone of voice.

"Fine." Ethan grumbled as he set Scout down on her feet.

Ethan found that as he and Scout grew, so did his affections for her.

Scout was fourteen now. Ethan was now eighteen and going off to college.

"Move it you two." Mallory said gruffly shoving Ethan to the side.

"I'm not the moron trying to drink Mom's coffee." Ethan said tauntingly.

Scout had recently moved in with the Tanners. Her Mom had died due to catching sickness that had spread through the hospital. The court had also found Scout's father too irresponsible to raise his own daughter.

So Scout opted to move in with her best friend. The Tanners had not adopted her and didn't plan on it.

"You three excited for your first day of school?" Mrs Tanner asked excitedly.

Ethan thought she was more excited then they were. Then again, he had been dreading it all summer and he wasn't sure how Scout felt on the situation seeing as her summer had been spent in legal court.

"Hell yeah!" Mallory said with a fist in the air.

"Has someone been drinking my coffee?" Mrs. Tanner asked Mallory jokingly.

Mallory looked at her feet and blushed. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Ethan, you're a senior!" Mrs Tanner said excitedly shaking Ethan's shoulders.

"And the girls are freshmen? Your point?" Ethan said sassily gaining him a playful slap on the shoulder from his mother.

"You'll watch them? Sit with them at lunch?" Mrs Tanner grilled Ethan.

"Yeah, just like in Elementary." Ethan said in a relaxed manner.

"We will be fine Mrs Tanner." Scout said flashing her a smile that made Ethan's heart melt.

"I'm still sitting with you at lunch." Ethan said looking at Scout in a way that made her feel like she was under his constant protection, which she did not mind.

Scout had actually become accustomed to being under Ethan's Overprotective watch.

He had been like this ever since the rock incidents when she was six and honestly she couldn't blame him.

"Fine." Mallory huffed feeling oddly like the third wheel.

"Let's go!" Scout said excitedly grabbing her backpack and as she slung it over her shoulder.

"Are you sure you don't want my to carry you there?" Ethan teased Scout.

"Yeah. I'm probably too heavy." Scout reflected the taunting expertly making Ethan chuckle.

"Oh I doubt that." He continued but Mallory intervened.

"It's sad that I would actually rather get to my education than listen to the rest of this lovely conversation." Mallory said shaking her head as she climbed into the passenger seat of Ethan's truck.

"It is sad." Scout said with a playful smirk as she buckled her seatbelt and silently prayed that they would all make it to school safely.

"And off we go!" Ethan said in a funny falsetto.

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