A Dumb Summer Camp

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"But Papa!" I cried, "Summer camp?! That humans go to?"

"Merci, please. You've been saying that for 2 weeks. Eat your cereal and be quiet,"

"But Papa!"

"No buts," He flicked a few sparks at me from his fingertips.

I threw them back and slurped down the milk left in my bowl. Summer camp? Why did I have to go? All those bugs and gross lake water-

"Don't tell me that you're scared of a lake?" Papa looked at me with a smirk on his face.

"Papa! Get out of my head!" I growled.

"Then get going! You have an hour to finish packing,"

"Uch, fine," I put my bowl in the sink and went to my room. Sitting on my bed were 2 dark purple suitcases, with blankets and pillows on top of those.

I ran through a mental list of things I had to bring with me.

6 shirts - check.

6 shorts - check

2 long pants - check

Hoodie - check

3 bras - reluctantly, check

And pillows and blankets I could see, so - check

"Papa! I got everything!" I called down the stairs.

"Alright come on then. If we get there early then you might be able to pick out your cabin and maybe make some friends," He replied.


Papa laughed while I dragged my suitcases out of my room and down to the car, with a little stalker behind me. A baby dragon trying to climb onto my bags.

"Papa, can Snazzy ride with us?" I asked looking down at my pet.

Papa though for a second, then said, "Grab her leash,"

"Yes!" I ran back into the house the get her leash and came back outside to clip it on her. She can be outside, it's just I don't think I would trust her in a new environment without a leash. I opened the car door and Snazzy hopped in. I clipped her leash into a buckle and got in the front seat.

Papa got in his side and started the car. I could hear Snazzy moving around in the back. I put in my earbuds to block out whatever dad music Papa was listening too and jammed on my own while he jammed awkwardly over there. I looked behind me at the house like a dramatic child, saying goodbye to my bed that I won't see for the rest of the summer.


What is up my fellow nerds! Its been a while hasn't it? Hehe...But anyway, I lost my original copy of this story in a move so *shrugs* what'cha gonna do?

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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