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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"its five in the morning hoseok, what do you want?" the boy whispers groggily, sleep laced in his tone. he had gone to sleep nearly half an hour ago and now he's being woken up by a call from his blue haired friend, which he wasn't too pleased about.

"go get changed and bring essentials, we'll be waiting for you." the boy on the otjher end says too cheerily for the younger's liking.

jimin sits up, hissing as a sleep induced headache takes over his head. "we?" he asks, and its as if he could see the elder nodding his head, answering with a cheerful "yep!" as he fiddles with the silver necklace that we always kept around his neck. its a habit that the younger has observed that hoseok does when he's experiencing extreme amounts of a particular emotion. in this case, its most likely excitement.

"meet us at the tree , we're going to the city." he could practically hear the smirk in his tone. the call then ends and jimin cant help but let out a small scoff, rolling his eyes and getting off his bed to get ready.

the boy looks around the room wearily, all his roommates were sleeping soundly. the smell of morning dew mixed with the cool morning breeze whisks by the light blue curtains and into the room.the sunlight slowly seeps through the blinds, lines of light tracing the room making everything look so pleasant in the eyes of the boy who stood in the middle of it all.

the pink haired boy takes a deep breath, stretching is arms above his head before a soft sigh leaves his lips. he drops his arms back to his sides as he begrudgingly drags his feet towards his closet.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"gemini district, seoul. the yellow city," hoseok shoves his hands in his pockets, leaning against the tree behind him as a lopsided smile takes over his features. the five other sleepy males in front of him were obviously not pleased by the idea due to the fact it was too early in the morning to be visiting such a bright city. but alas, all the boys knew they wouldn't be able to convince the male in front of him to change his mind now. especially not when he already has everything planned out.

"did you guys just seriously disregard what we thought?" jin frowns. usually when the boys planned to go out into one of the districts, there would be an agreement beforehand on where they would go. but unfortunately this time, it seems as if the blue haired male had forgotten.

"even if we did ask you guys, you would've said no, so" namjoon gives a small tight-lipped smile before tossing a duffel bag down from his shoulder and onto the vibrant green grass.

"in the duffel are clothes, hairspray and contacts. go and get yourselves ready," he states simply before turning on his heel and heading towards the blue haired boy, most likely to discuss their plans once more.

the rest of the boys sighed before kneeling down and opening the duffel. an assortment of different clothes with shades of yellow, black, and white were neatly folded inside. three spray cans of the color daffodil yellow was neatly placed on top of the clothes with a small bag that most likely contained the contacts.

with a slight huff, jimin blindly grabs a yellow sweater before tiredly walking deeper into the forest, skidding his feet against the grass, getting the tips of his shoes slightly dirty. he places the clothes on the ground, crossing his arms while gripping on the edges of his shirt, getting ready to pull it over his head but a pair of hands softly grip onto his own making him come to a sudden halt.

the pink haired boy flinches due to shock before he twists his head to look at the mint haired boy behind him who had a wide gummy grin spread on his face.

"you scared me," the younger breathes out, placing a hand against his chest, taking in deep puffs of air. yoongi laughs, wrapping his arms around jimin's waist before giving the back of his neck a soft kiss, sending shivers down the younger's spine.

jimin turns to the elder with a smile, unlatching yoongi's arms around his waist before resuming his task. right before he slips his shirt off his head he shyly turns to yoongi, telling him to turn around and the elder just laughs at the younger's shyness before complying to his wishes. and as yoongi turns, so does jimin until both boys have their back faced against each other.

its then that the younger removes his shirt, dropping it to the ground before bending down to grab the neatly folded yellow sweater but a whistle makes him freeze in his place.

he snaps his head behind him to see yoongi with a smirk, shirt off, his pale skin on display and the jimin just rolls his eyes at him. "wear a shirt already you dork, the sun's gonna make you sparkle soon." he jokes, slipping the sweater over his head.

the statement makes yoongi scoff before snatching his own yellow shirt off of the grass and slipping it onto his slim frame.

"rude." he frowns, putting his shirt on and grabbing his old one before huffing and walking away. jimin, ofcourse, laughs at this before quickly grabbing his shirt and skipping after his hyung, making their way back to the other boys.

"goddammit kook, stay still." the now blonde haired male exclaims in pure frustration at the younger who kept fussing about. "i'll stay still when you stop trying to get dye in my eyes!" jungkook growls at the elder with a slight glare who had only looked at him back with disbelief.

"i did not!" namjoon exclaims, putting his hands up defensively. jin pinches the bridge of his nose, trying not to get all riled up himself. it was way to early in the morning for this.

the eldest of the group sighs before snatching the can from namjoon before taking it upon himself to do the task instead, ushering namjoon away.

"go and help everyone with the contacts, joon. i'll help kook," he yawns, before getting to work as the jungkook twiddles his fingers, feeling himself relax at his hyung's soft touches.

once all makeovers were finished, they all place their old clothes and empty spray cans in the duffel before hoseok tosses it inbetween two bushes, making sure it was completely hidden.

"all strands of hair dyed, all contacts in, alll bright and yellow, yes?" hoseok checks, facing the others and inspecting them carefully as they all nod.

"great! now to our next destination, the inter-zodiac train station,"

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧

I know this is short and not much happens but I've gotten a slight writer's block so im sorry if its sloppy.

I'll write another chapter real soon to make up for this one.

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