Chapter 23-Married Couple

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*Taylors POV*

1 Year later

I stood on the balcony of our hotel and looked out.

I Couldnt sleep. I was getting married in 5 hours to the man of my dreams.

"Are you alright honey?" A Sleepy Karly said walking up behind me.

"Cant sleep, im nervous" I said biting my newly manicured nails.

"Stop that" She said refering to my habit " I know how you feel, Louis and i are getting married next month, and im freakin out already"

I chuckled.

"Im going to have bags under my eyes in the morning" I said yawning.

"Come on, You need some beauty sleep.Lets go watch a movie and hopefully that will put you to sleep" Karly said dragging me to the bed.

We pushed the notebook into the dvd player and about five minutes into the movie, i drifted to sleep.


"Its almost timmeeeee" I woke up to Gemma and Karly screaming.

My bestfriend was bestfriends with my fiance's sister, probably because they where just alike.

"Time to go get your nails and hair done" Gemma said pulling me out of bed.

I groaned. Maybe waking up in the middle of the night was a bad thing after all.

"Come on sleepy head lets go!" Karly said as i struggled with the messy bun on the top of my head.

"Oh by the way, we have to sneak out, Harry was trying to sneak in earlier and i had to make him go away and it wouldnt surprise me if he was still in the hotel waiting." Gemma said as we walked out the door.

Walking down the hallway i saw him curls bouncing as he paced back and forth.

"Ha-" I tried to say him name before Karly smacked her hand across my mouth.

He looked up and smiled. Gemma and Karly hid me behind thier backs.

"Please Gemma, just let me see her once" He said

"Noooo Haz i already told you no." Gemma said. Ive never heard her sound so bossy.

"Ugh" He groaned. "I love you Tay"

I laughed.

"Love you too babe" I said smiling

"Okay the coast is clear" Gemma said.

We walked into the salon to start getting ready. Here we go.


"I know pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride" The pastor said as Harry pulled pulled me into a kiss.

We went to the back room to where the reception was held.

"We wanna dedicate this song to Our best friend and his new wife, Taylor. We love you both!" Louis said before he, Liam, Louis, Niall, and Zayn started singing "Moments"

We began to dance before i started feeling nauseous.

I went to the restroom to wash my face and take a breather from everything else.

"Oh so i guess i get to see you again. dont you look so beautiful" it was Caleb. He found me again.

'Hi Caleb, How did you get here" I said trying to stay calm.

"Shut up bitch" he said as he smacked me across the mouth.

"Leave her the hell alone you asshole" I heard a familiar voice from behind him.

It was Gemma.

"I may be small but i will kick your ass you sick twisted man" She said again punching him in the face.

Gemma helped me off of the floor and we walked out of the bathroom.

Harry was standing at the door.

"I came to make sure you were alright." He said holding my face.

Tears ran down my cheeks as i grabbed him and held him close.

"Why dont you go in there and ask Caleb?" Gemma said

"Hes in there, Ill be back" and He disappeared

Gemma led me towards a private room and changed me into a teal blue dress

When i saw Harry again he was not looking like i thought he would.

He was wearing kakhis and a blazer all cleaned up.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear as he slid me into the car we were taking to the airport.

"Tell me where we are going please" I said squeezing his hand.

"Nope, You will see when we get there" He said smiling.

When we got to the airplane i put my headphones in layed my head on Harrys shoulder and slowly fell asleep.


I woke up to the smell of Ocean water and what? Bacon?

It was morning and i saw Harry in the kitchen cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning love, Sleep well?" He said looking up from the food on the stove

"Uhm, yes. Did i sleep the whole plane ride?" I said dazed

"Yes, i had to carry you to the car and carry you to bed" He said laughing "You were out"

I laughed and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Mind telling me where we are?" I said watching him cook.

"Go look on the table beside the bed, we have plans today so go get showered"  I heard him say as i walked to the bed.

I plopped down and grabbed a paphlet off the Table.

Aloha! Welcome To Hawaii.

My eyes popped out of my head, this was going to be fun.

I got showered and i changed into a bikini, shorts and a cami and went outside to meet Harry.

We went snorkeling, and parasailing and out to eat.

We arrived back at the hotel.

Harry opened my door and before i could get out i was being lifted bridal style and kissed.

Harry unlocked the door and kissed me some more.

This was the first time Harry and i had been alone since two weeks before the wedding.

This was going to be great.

I layed down and let Harry kiss me from head to toe.

I could probably live with two more weeks of this. In fact i know i could.


A/N I know this chapter was kinda lame. But the wedding dress is on the side. Sorry guys my bday is tomorrow and im kinda distracted with everything going on lol.

Love you guys (:


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