~Breakdown~ (BTS Taehyung)

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"I said I'm sorry!" I cried out unsure of what else will make his eyes stop mimicking the broken tap down at my uncle's backyard.

"I know you are sorry... that doesn't mean I can forgive you..." Taehyung said, his tone sprinkled with a pinch of cold. He did become like this when he was upset to act strong I guess. Oh I just wanted to see those damned eyes! If only he could look at me again...

"Oppa...Please... p-please..." I managed to throw out through my tears. Falling to my knees, I was reduced to merely a bunch of tears. My nose, blocked. My mind, fogged. My eyes, blurred. My cheeks, stained with tears. I was chocking on my own voice. What was there to say? He sat on the bed, back facing me, knees to his chest, chin on his knees, arms around his legs - not me. I expected nothing more. He may never look at me again. Maybe never even talk to me. It's ok... I deserved it anyway.

Crimson rolled down to my wrist as I still clutched the dark handle of my pen knife. "Why didn't you tell me?" He breathed out. Oh god no. He was blaming himself. I just make everything worse don't I? I cried out a desperate "I'm sorry". What use was it? The damage was already done. I tried to reach out with my bloody, shaky hand for his shoulder. He only smacked it away. I slowly sat back down on the floor at a loss for words.

Memories of us dancing and singing around the silent apartment like two monkeys, us doing things that make me question how either of us are even alive now, us doing each other's homework and helping each other out of trouble from those devils we call teachers, us quietly locking ourselves in our rooms and respecting the others alone time and privacy, us screaming at each other to hurry up in the bathroom, us recommending each other music and books and even movies. Everything hit me. Right then and there. I fell from kneeling to being a huddled mess of tears on the floor.

"I... I-I can't... loose one m-more..." I shakily admitted through sobs. He finally turned around. God, took him long enough.

"I'm not leaving... I promise... I ... cross my heart" Tae said as he tried to manage a weak, sad smile through the tears that showed no signs of stopping. Huh? Not leave me? Was he insane? I looked up at him. His eyes were just... how do I put it? Imagine a calm and clear sea by the pale, soft beach. That was him. His skin being pale and soft just like sand. Even his sun kissed skin tone resembled it. His eyes were a soft  and just as, if not more comforting as the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. They weren't perfect, no. However, that just made them better.

I didn't understand what he meant. Everything was a blur. Literally and emotionally. Hey, my eyes were flowing with enough water you could give at least 3 kiddos in Africa or something a lifetime supply. He, of course, understood immediately and despite still being mad at me, crawled off the bed and sat cross legged on the carpeted floor.

Gently, with his soft palms that could lull me to sleep every now and then brushes against my mess of a face, wiping away some tears. It was no use... they just kept flowing out. I had no idea how my body even managed to produce that much.

"Darling..." he said in a soft tone. "Listen Jagi... listen to me..." I nodded slowly. "I'm not gonna leave... I don't hate you... I don't love you any less..." His voice was deep. A serious deep, his tone and everything. I tried to say something that made any sense at all. Nothing. I was useless, all that came out were stutters and sobs. He seemed to read my mind. What a miracle, he never fails to awe me.
"Why? Why is cause I love you... I don't care what you do... you can go and murder a puppy and I'd still love you" He claimed as he wiped away the last of his tears and I felt yet another knife stab my heart. The guilt... Oh but the happiness from his statement was mixed in my blood too. I felt so selfish... why, oh why... I shook my head as I was trying to breath though the sobs.

I clenched my eyes, desperately wiping the tears away uselessly for more only came. I felt the warmth of his palm over one of mine. He so gently took it from my face and held it between both of his hands. A whisper left his mouth, "Saranghae".

I still didn't understand why but before I could even react I felt his two strong arms wrap around me, picking me up from the floor and onto him. I rested my head on his chest, the pounding of his heart slowly started calming me down. He had a protective grip on me, almost like he never wanted to let go. One of his hands softly trailed up my back and to my hair. He started stroking my hair, in a very comforting way. The tears soon came to a stop.
We were too caught up in our emotions to realise my arm was still bleeding profusely and dare I say it... It was even more than my period on my heaviest flow. Seriously. I felt so weak and fragile that basically anyone could knock me down with no strength. Taehyung was my only protection at this point. It didn't click to me what it was that caused me to feel lightheaded but I just slowly closed my eyes n breathed out a long breath. I was so tired, so fatigued. I felt him lean back against the foot on the bed and sighing as well. He probably wanted some sleep too. Soon enough I feel into a dreamless slumber, bleeding still present. Will I ever wake up again?


BTS Fluff One shots <3 (Reader + BTS) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें