Part 4

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Natasha's POV continued

I stared at the scanners in shock there was no way this was happening. I ran out of the room only to see a full on battle going on in the living room. I grabbed a plate and threw it like a frisbee into a hydra soldiers head and tased him with one of my widow stingers knocking him out in the proses.

I ran over to Hawkeye because hydra agents were swarming him faster than he could shoot arrows at them.

After the fight was starting to go in are favore Shield stormed the building and arresting any hydra agent that hadn't taken the easy way out a.k.a cyanid. Fury did his 'I'm more important than you' walk over to we're me and the team was sitting around nursing are injury's. "How the hell did this happen?" Fury spat in an annoyed tone we just remained silent for a bit until Fury blurted out "Well?!" Steve responded with a "Director Fury sir, They infiltrated the tower threw the windows from helicopters while we were not expecting an attack." Fury crossed his arms thinking and a moment later he finally decided on saying "We need more man power in the avengers with hulk being gone, Shield will sweep the tower for bugs while you find reinforcements."

We all stood knowing what Fury meant..

Peter's POV

I arrived at the orphanage 3 hours after curfew. I New the second I stepped into that building there was no turning back. I took a deep breath and opened the door, the second I did the light turned on and Miss Bell was sitting in her chair at the front desk hand on the light switch with the most pissed off look a person could have.

*freeze frame*

Oh shit.

ok I know I'm late by like maybe ten minutes but come on there's no need to look that angry. Ok so maybe it was more like three hours but still I tried to get here on time, it's not easy fighting off Hydra and the fricken Avengers, ok..

*unfreeze frame*

"Peter Parker WHERE. HAVE. YOU. BEEN!!!" She practically shrieked as she got up from her chair. I glanced at the door but she slammed it shut making me jump and my ears ring.

She yelled at me for a good thirty minutes before she said the classic "Go to your room!" That uncle Ben would say when he was angry. I walk up to the broom closet they called my room and set my stuff down. I hid my suit in the hidden compartment I made in my backpack just for it. Then I stared out the window for a while before deciding on going to bed.

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