Part 6

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Peter's POV:

I made it a block away from the avengers before my spider sence went off like a fog horn I was mid swing when out of no where I was hit in the gut. I fell like 3 or 4 floors before I caught myself with a web net I saw a helicopter pass over before I felt I pain in my shoulder and the world spun into a fuzzy darkness.

Tony's POV:

It was around 15 minutes before my suit came back online and I was able to get out. When I did I saw Fury trying to pry his hand free from the dumpster and webbing. Steve was putting his shield on his back and I was generally confused as to how Spider-Man could have beaten us so easily.

*2 hour time skip because I don't know how to progress the story past here*

We got back to the tower only to be greeted by Natasha and Clint. I shrugged them off not really paying attention to what they were saying to Steve and I and just went to bed.

Steve's POV:

Natasha told us they saw what happened on the news. But she was cut of by Clint "Ya, and the news van followed are spider friend and he got knocked out of the sky by something and barely caught himself on a web net before this helicopter came by and some guys lowered down to him and took him into the helicopter." I glanced over at Tony who was going to bed I couldn't tell if he didn't care or wasn't listening I put my focus back on Nat and Clint as they continued but this time Nat cut off Clint. "One of the guys who took Spidey had an all to familiar logo on his right arm Steve" "What are you getting at Natasha?" I cut in "He was taken by..."

Peter's POV:

I woke up and the first thing I noticed is that I was tied down on a hard metal surface. It slowly opened my eyes to discover I still had my mask on. I looked around the room only to realize this was somewhere very familiar but I couldn't place it.

I heard a voice with a thick ascent that sounded german, that's when it clicked I was with Hydra this wasn't good not good at all.

"Spider" the voice spoke from behind me it sounded robotic in a way "Welcome to your new home." The figure came into view from behind me it was Arnim Zola, hydra's most trusted scientist. He raddled of 5 words and all of a sudden it felt like I had cotton in my ears and I couldn't even struggle but I was still aware. "I can smell the confusion radiating off you in waves," he was right I was very confused "But there's no need to worry, Spider although a wardrobe change is in order." As he said that 3 guards walked in one holding a suit and the other two guns.

A few minutes later I was untied and left alone in the room with the suit it looked like some kind of leather, spandex, and carbon fiber to make it bulletproof I checked the inside of the mask to make sure there was no cameras there were none. Without even thinking I put on the suit after I did the guards came back in and took me to my cell.

                                                (This is the suit except the extra legs aren't out yet)

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                                                (This is the suit except the extra legs aren't out yet)

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