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" i think your over re-acting" peter says as we reach the start of the city

"i don't think so, you don't get it tobias hates his dad but his dad is still convinced that he is right that tobias is wrong and if i know Marcus, which i think i do he will not hesitate to make a deal with someone, to get a serum to help tobias, plus in Marcus's eyes tobias ruined his career" i say my breath choppy, i really hope that he hasn't done anything yet.

"Do you remember anything" i ask my voice unsteady not only do i have a child in danger but tobias is in danger to, and what if i don't get to him in time? Will he still remember me?

"Nothing, my memory of who i was, just dissaperaed as much as it killed him, tobias helped me. And over time trained me" he says his voice an uneasy tone "he took on the job of rebuilding dauntless; a big one at that"

"We are here" peter tells me

"Sure" i take a deep breath " thank you for helping tobias" i say as i get out of the front of the truck to what looks like a clean white building around a city of rubble

"do you want me to come in ?" He asks concerned

I do need backup but no more people in danger

"No" i say firmly " no more pain"

"This is a suicide" he says is a terrified voice

" you can help by making sure that your out here when i need to leave" he nods and i walk up to the door.

Taking a deep breath i open the door

" Mum" a voice calls

I faint, after hear those words.

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