Dangerously In Love - Part 1

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Chapter One

"I didn't kill him!" I yelled into the phone, while disconnecting the call.

It's been two years since my love was killed in a freak accident, still the calls continue. A night like tonight reminds me of the way Maurice used to romance me. Local radio adding to my torture with its constant slew of love ballads.

It had begun snowing again and I was busy trying to keep up with Derrick's car without being spotted. My phone began ringing again, another private caller. I shut it off, just as Derrick pulled in to park at Odyssey, a classy poetry spot that I'd attended once with Maurice. I pulled in a few cars back. I watched intently as he straightened and zipped his coat. He then headed for the club's front door.

I hadn't known where following him tonight would lead me. However, I'd dressed in a tight-fitting red suede dress, complimented by stiletto thigh high boots. I've always turned heads without trying. I could never really tell if a man liked me for me or for a shiny armpiece. So, I've learned to use my beauty for power. I've never worked a day in my life. I have enough money left from Maurice's will to live affluently for another ten years. Yet, money did not cure loneliness. I am used to getting what I want when I want it. Tonight, I wanted Derrick.

Tonight, was the night I'd get to have a real conversation with him. I was ecstatic that it was Valentine's Day and he was out alone. I jumped out of my Mercedes Benz S 560 4Matic that had been given to me by Maurice as a Christmas gift, a few months before he died.

My stilettos were sinking in the snow. I quickly made my way to the sidewalk and up to the club. I could see his back before he disappeared inside.

I joined the line and paid my entry. The Odyssey is gorgeous, it's décor reminding me of The Great Gatsby with a modern twist. It has high, grand ceilings that are painted like the sky. The walls are encased in cherry wood from ceiling to floor. It's rich color, feel and aroma also spilling out onto the bar, which seats five. Across from the bar is a seated area of tables, with tufted leather chairs and couches. This was the place to be on Valentine's Day.

I spotted Derrick getting seated at a tall table, closer to the stage. I decided to stop at the bar to gain some liquid courage before I approached him. The club was packed, still my drink was ordered and prepared quickly. I took a deep breath and headed over to his table. His resemblance to my Maurice was uncanny, he could have been his twin brother.

I could feel glances on me as I made my way to his table. I am petit thick at 5'2', with faux crochet locks that fall to the middle of my back. I have a small frame, and my grandmother handed out titties and ass like pancakes. I could see the envy in other women's eyes as I passed. I didn't want any of their men or the attention, I was here on a mission.

"Oh, my goodness! Hello Derrick." I greeted him, acting surprised to see him there.

He squinted his eyes for a moment before realizing who I was.

"Hi uh ... uh ..."


"Yes, Mya. We've been running into each other a lot lately." He smiled.

Oh my God. He just fucking smiled at me.

"Yes, I guess we share some of the same interests. Is it okay if I sit down?" I said with my heart racing.

"Well, it would be but I ..."

"Hi baby!" a high-pitched voice from behind us said. I turned to see a chestnut colored beauty with sparkling red lipstick throwing her arms around Derrick. She touched his lips with a soft kiss.

Who the fuck is she? The three months that I'd been following him around, this was the first I saw of her. She took the seat at the high table across from him.

"Uh, Janet this is Mya. She was just coming over to say hi. I think she lives by me. We go to the same gym and I've run into her a few times in the grocery store."

"That's Ms. Johnson to you. Anyway, nice to meet you," Janet stated in a dry tone.

"Same here," I said matching her tone and mistakenly giving them both the inclination that I had a thing for Derrick. I changed the subject.

"So, either of you gracing the mic tonight? I asked.

Janet looked as if she just wanted me to go away and Derrick seemed a little embarrassed that she was being so rude to me.

"Yes, I do a little sumthin-sumthin." He said straightening his tie and smiling, attempting to lighten the mood. We both giggled.

"Well, if you are going to sign-up, the line's open now," Janet said to me in an annoyed tone.

I got you bitch! I smiled because I knew that I would find a way that she would not last the duration of this date.

"Thank you for letting me know. Nice seeing you again, Derrick."

"You too." He said.

Janet rolled her eyes and I turned and walked away. I hadn't done poetry since before Maurice's death, but the memory never forgets the things it loves. I used to frequent the local poetry spots faithfully. It seemed ironic that following Derrick on a day of love was leading me back to the stage. The last thing I pictured myself doing tonight, was poetry. I couldn't let my true intentions be uncovered.

I made my way back over to the bar after signing up. The open bar seat on the end gave me perfect view of Derrick and Janet. I ordered another drink.

Chapter Two

I looked toward the stage for some indication as to when the poetry might start. Then my eyes fell on the MC, Omari Rhodes. I knew of him well. We used to end up at many of the same poetry events. He is debonair with brown sandy hair and grey eyes that seemed to look right through you.

He has come on to me quite a few times, in the past. He's an excellent host, but everyone knew that he loved women and had no loyalty. I had always declined his advances. But, I'd never seen him with a date before, this was interesting. There's always that one girl that gets to their heart and she was Nubian Queen type gorgeous.

He and his date sat on a plush black couch with red pillows positioned in front of the stage. They mingled and chatted with various guests that came over to make introductions.

I glanced back over at Derrick and Janet, who were exchanging flirty glances with one another. I have to get rid of this bitch. I ordered another round of what they were drinking and had the server take it over to them 'on the house', after dissolving two volumes in hers. I waited anxiously for her to drink up.

Omari made his way to the microphone, "Good evening and welcome to the Odyssey's Annual Valentine's Day Poetry Mixer. I'm your host, Omari Rhodes."

The place exploded in applause, come-on-with-its and whistles confirming that Omari was well loved, regardless of his personal indiscretions. I listened as he welcomed everyone.

I kept an eye on Janet, who had not yet touched the second drink. My attention was pulled back to the stage as Omari went into a poem about his girlfriend cheating on him. What? The cheater is getting cheated on? I guess what goes around truly comes back.

I think everyone was in shock. When he finished there was a thick silence before the room erupted in applause. I even clapped wildly, that took nuts. This was going to be an eventful evening.

Dangerously In Love by TJ HopeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz