Dangerously In Love - Part 3

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Chapter Five

The next morning, we flew out of Chicago O'Hare into Miami International to attend a VIP beach party we'd been invited to by one of his classmates.

We exited the plane into paradise. It was nothing like the chill we'd just escaped in the Windy City, we call home. We peeled off our coats to enjoy the warmth.

"Damn, this is what's up!" Maurice said.

I didn't reply. I was deep in other thoughts and feeling emotional. He seemed to feel like a burdened had been lifted off him now that I finally knew.

I felt broken and as if I was now in some type of competition on who could love him better. The constant pictures in my head of him passionately making love to another woman had my stomach in knots. I had no appetite.

On our way to the beach party, located on Haulover Beach, he gave me a pep talk. He spoke to me as if I was a kid that he was telling not to ask for candy before they went in the grocery store.

"Now listen baby, just act natural. We are still that dope ass power couple. She's not a factor. It does not change how I will treat you or how I will act towards you. I still love you like a fat kid loves cake. It's just that now we don't have any more secrets."

"Okay." I replied.

That's all I could muster as the lump in my throat had gotten bigger from all the crying in the bathroom after our talk the last night. I wished for a bottle of water. I wanted him out of my life. I could barely stand to look at him.

I put on the act for him all day, then it was finally our turn on the Jet skis. Maurice had taken us out too far. He attempted to avoid a large wave that slammed right info us, ejecting both of us from the water craft.

I held my breath until my life jacket pulled me up to the surface. I quickly spotted Maurice holding on to the jet ski about ten feet away. I began swimming toward him, I was approaching from his rear and realized he didn't see me.

I tried hard not to panic. I tried to yell out but that was throwing me off balance and causing my head to go underneath. I tried to concentrate on making it those few feet over to him. He was still calling for me as he tried to climb back up on the jet ski.

He grabbed the handle to try to gain leverage to climb up on it. This engaged the gas and it took off full speed, his life jacket becoming entangled in it. The rescue vessels came soon after, but not soon enough. He had drowned from being caught underneath the jet ski.

Soon after his death, Jazmin came out as his other woman, making me look suspicious of his death. There are many theories on how I may have killed him out there in the ocean that day. Forensics labeled it accidental. I am forever taunted by that fateful day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2018 ⏰

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