Chapter 5

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'What should I do if I help my grandmother then Karin and the babies would be in danger , if I stay with Karin then grandmother would most likely die. Please someone help me!'

As if someone had read his mind Rangiku immediately appeared right in front of her captain. Toshiro was glad to see her.

"Captain, it's ok I'll take care of Karin go and save your grandmother."

With that being said he took off and easily defeated the hollow he saved his grandmother, who was barely breathing so they decided to take her to squad four barracks and see if Captain Unohana could help her.

His grandmother had a couple broken ribs but, nothing too major. She woke up the next day and saw Toshiro right beside her sleeping with a black haired girl beside him.

"Toshiro is that you?"

He woke up with sound of her gentle voice.

"Yes grandma it's me. I hope your feeling better. I'm sorry I couldn't get there sooner."

"It's alright child you got there and that is what counts. Now tell me who is this beautiful girl beside you?"

Toshiro began to blush but spoke regardless.

"She is my fiance grandma."

"Oh I'm so glad you found someone to keep you company. But I have a feeling that there's something else you need to say."

"Well, yes grandma, umm actually we're expecting twins right now." He said looking down.

"My boy don't worry I'm not mad at you it's quite the opposite I'm glad that you have began to form a family of your own as you deserve it more than anyone I could think of, you've been through so much in your life and if something bad comes your way I know for certain that this girl will be there to support you. I have no doubt about it."

Toshiro smiles at her and looks at Karin. Karin began to stir in a few seconds she woke up and looked at Toshiro and smiled. She stood up and looked at her fiance then she turned her head and met Toshiro's grandmother, she greeted her.

"Hello it's nice meeting you."

"Its nice to meet my grandsons beautiful fiance. I'm glad he has found someone he could share his life with. What is your name dear? "

"My name is Karin, Kurosaki Karin. "

"Well, you can call me grandma Suki dear. " Suki replies with a loving smile.

They stayed longer talking to one another getting to know each other. Toshiro's grandmother began talking about his younger days embarrassing him more than he thought possible.

Toshiro had gone to the head captain to see if it was possible to let his grandmother stay with him in his house as he doesn't want anything else happening to her.

It had taken a while to get him to agree Toshiro had to have some good point and excuses as to why she should be allowed to stay something that has never happened before.

After so much arguing and talking things through he was able to go back and give her the good news. Once he got back to squad 4 he found both his grandmother and Karin asleep but once he stepped in Karin felt his reiatsu and woke up.

"So how did it go? You were there quite a while."

"It was hard convincing him but, she will be allowed to stay with me. In order to convince him to let her stay, I had to tell him how I had to check up on her from time to time because of her medical condition, and with her being attacked by a hollow recently we must be more cautious. I don't want her to go through anything like that again. " Toshiro explained.

"I will be with you every step of the way. Your problems are mine now and mine are yours. We might not be married yet but, we have two wonderful children on the way and no matter what happens we will always be with you for eternity Toshiro. " Karin tells him with deep effection.

Unbeknownst to them Toshiro's grandmother had heard everything they had just said and smiled for the first time in a long time. Seeing her grandson happy and full of life compared to how his life had been in the rukongai district so long ago it made her heart beat faster with happiness.

Toshiro has yet to regain his memories of his parents who had no other choice but to leave him with his grandmother or said boy would die in the hands of his father's enemy, with too much at risk and no other choice toshiro's father erased his wife's memory taking their son and leaving him in rukongai with his grandmother.

Though the boy was young the man could already tell that his son was a prodigy among prodigies. There was no way and no time to tell if his brain had developed enough for the young boy to start having memories of others that surround him. So with so much sadness and a broken heart he said his final goodbye to his son and erased his memories as well.

Thank you @ChristinaNguyen629 for the inspiration you've given to come back after I had lost my inspiration to continue. You're one of the reasons why I began to write now that inspiration came back to me THANK YOU SO MUCH 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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