My Confusion About My Gender

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A/N Hi again! It's been a while. It's also 1:08 am so yee. Anyway, this chap is about my gender and how I figured it out. Enjoy! 

At first I thought I was just gay and a cis-gendered female. However, I was starting to realize that I felt feminine but I didn't feel like the "precious little princess" my family had thought. I was so confused about my sexuality and everything that I decided to turn to two of my good and very LGBTQIA+ educated friends to help me. Then of course, as any questioning person does, I googled what this meant and I had identified as agender feminine for quite a while, hence the reason why the name Jax came into play. And this was the norm for my friends and I for several months. However, I was beginning to realize I felt very masculine a lot, so the name Jax stayed but I decided to label myself transgender. This didn't last nearly as long because I thought to myself, "you know what?, I feel feminine sometimes and masculine others. And even non-binary sometimes, too! So once again, I reverted to google. I found out this was called genderfluid. So Hannah, my birth/dead name came back into play for feminine times and Jax stayed for non-binary and masculine times. And that's where I am right now in life. If you have any questions feel free to ask in my inbox or on my Instagram, which is @some_panicking_american_idiot.

So that's my gender experiences in a nutshell for you. And to this day I only know one other pansexual genderfluid person. Anyway I hope you enjoyed!<3

Peace out Hesitant Aliens,

XoXo Up Too Late Jax<3

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