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It all started when we ended up at the same summer camp... But first I think I should introduce myself i'm Lexi and i'm 16 years old and i'm a nerd who isn't very popular and this is the story of how Matthew the popular jock and I ended up with each other.

It all started as another day at school I would notice him walking the halls talking to all his friends and mainly being with his girlfriend, while I was just another person to walk past him, we have gone to school together since middle school but we still haven't talked to each other and I guess you could say I had and still kinda do have a crush on him. I have a best friend who has been by my side since 1st grade and her name is Kristy and she knew that I had a crush on Matthew but she thought I got over it so at this point no one really knows that I like him. So we went through the day and every Monday Kristy and I would go to this group and we would all hang out and talk and it was really nice, while on this one day they brought up a super fun camp and they wanted all of us to go to, so I begged my parents to let me go and they finally said yes and so did Kristy's parents but now we had to wait about one month and a half till camp comes.
one month and a half later:
It finally was time to go to camp and Kristy and I were all ready to go to camp, we got on the bus and got ready for the eight hour drive it took to get to camp and we finally arrived at camp.

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