First Meeting

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We arrived at camp and there were all ready so many people and so much stuff to do, everyone seemed so nice and welcoming. When we got off the bus we put our bags into the cabin and got changed and started walking around camp but as we got to the soccer fields I saw someone who looked kinda familiar but I thought nothing of it and kept walking. We ended up going back to the soccer fields to play soccer before dinner was called and the same kids were there so we decided to play with them and they all seemed really nice, we then decided to exchange names and this one kid looked like Matthew from my school and also was named Matthew, I thought this was kinda wierd and so did Kristy but we just thought it was a wierd coincidence and kept on going with the day, but I couldn't help but think if that really was Matthew from school or if it wasn't.

That night Kristy and I decided to go for a late night swim and we got to the pool and no one was there so I started doing flips of the diving board for fun and when i did i double back flip we hear someone clapping from the distance and who was it Matthew and one of his new friends Sean. They came in and Matthew walked right on over to the diving board and does a double back flip off the board and comes up and says to me "bet you can do better than me?" " is that a challenge i hear?" I say so I got up to the board and did a double back flip into a twist and we keep going at it until we had to go back to the cabin for bed, we said out goodbyes and headed into our cabins, as we all laid in bed going to sleep I stayed awake thinking if that actually was Matthew that was the most we have talked ever and he seems different than I expected he is actually a nice guy and not a jerk. All in all I thought this was a really good day I can't wait to see what the week brings me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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