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I was at my office drinking tea when I heard a sound "PCHHHHHH!!!"

I felt very scared...

Did I mention I was scared of Ghostly Sounds..

... "BHOO.... Hahaha"

It was Hercule Poirat the famous detective on Mouse Island

"What are you doing here? "I said

"Geronimo there is a mystery we have to deal with"

"No sorry I can't come" I said because I had a lot work to do.

"Actually Petunia sent us for this mystery but..."

"No I will of course come" I said
Actually I have a crush on Petunia and I can't tell her 'NO'

"So where are we going ? And what is the mystery all about?"I said

"We are going to Himalayas and the mystery.... Ummm I will tell u later"

"RAT MUNCHING RATTLE SNAKES are you gone crazy Hercule?

Geronimo Stilton and his MARRIAGENơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ