o1. Think Of Laura • Christopher Cross •

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| o1. Think Of Laura |

Lucas quietly walked on the empty sidewalks, his lips quirking up at the memories that invaded his mind.

Oh, how she cheered him up with a smile.

Every once in a while, I'd see her smile

And she'd turn my day around

He remembered the things that first attracted him to her.

She was one of the most beautiful girls at school. Soft hair, clear skin and a serene face that made you want to sing softly.

Her eyes were the things that attracted him most of all, though.

A girl with those eyes could stare through the lies

She always knew what you really felt, and would always be there for you.

There was actually a point in his lifetime where Lucas got angry at her thoughtful and calm manner.

It was like her naivety was her weakness. And he didn't like that.

And see what your heart was saying

Lucas took a deep breathe to calm himself. Francine always told him that it wasn't good for him and the people around him when he's angry.

"Remember, she's watching you, Lucas. You want her to be proud of you, don't you?" she'd lecture him.

He can't help it though, but he'd try just for her.

Think of Laura but laugh don't cry

The skies were a gloomy gray, rain threating to pour down. He didn't mind, though.

For the past 4 months, the rain was the only company he had. It was what calmed him down, besides her anyway.

I know she'd want it that way

Shoving his hands on his pockets, Lucas glanced at his surroundings.

There weren't much people around. Only a few were brave enough to go out in this weather. It hasn't exactly been the best weather to have a walk in a park these weeks.

A friend of a friend, a friend till the end.

Being left to his own thoughts, Lucas started doing his reflection. A habit he'd been doing since a few months ago.

He remembered what Francine said at the funeral.

"When we were fifteen, I had my fair shair of those summer flings that leave a girl heart broken for what she thought was true. It was on a summer that time where I met this boy who was a real treat to the eyes with his blonde hair and blue eyes. She was there when he and I started dating on the start of summer. She was also there for me when I woke up on a bed, alone, and with a note on my bedside table. She was always there for me. I couldn't thank her enough for all she's done for me."

A friend till the end. That's the kind of girl she was.

Lucas frowned again. It was so unfair! She still had too many opportunities to take, people to meet, places to see and a life to live.

It might be called selfish thinking but for Lucas, call it what you may.

Why couldn't someone else die? Why her?

Taken away so young. Taken away, without a warning.

Lucas stopped walking for a minute.

He spotted a few daisies on the sidewalk. They were dewy, due to the heavy rain that took place earlier. But that wasn't what caught his attention, though.

They were white daisies. Her favorite flowers.

"I'd choose a daisy over a rose any day." her melodic voice combined with her puzzling yet inspiring words could play in his ears all day but he'd never get tired of it.

Lucas grabbed the flowers and took a spare rubber band he found in his pocket, tied them together.

Lucas closed his eyes as he lifted the bouquet to his nose.

I know you, and you're here.

The gloomy sky, the heavy rain. They all reminded him of her.

She wasn't meant to sit there and look pretty. She was meant to make somebody feel feelings they've never felt and have their hearts almost combust at the way she changed something so fast and meaningfully.

He believed that when a person's life changes, she was near.

In everyday we live.

He could almost feel her soft skin as a breeze blew past him.

I know her and, well, she's here.

He heard soft music, probably the Wilson's, which lived near his destination.

I can feel her when I sing.

He thought about where she would've been if Heaven didn't need an angel so urgently.

Hey, Laura. Where are you now? Are you far away from here?

He strongly believed that a person, after their death, lies in the place where they always want to be in.

I don't think so.

Rounding the corner, he prepared himself to once again see her.

The cemetery was dark, black and white, besides the rough patch of grass where all different kinds of people lie peacefully, maybe watching him from above.

As he neared the place she was believed to be in, he clutched the flowers tighter.

The sky seemed to be with him, because suddenly, thunder roared and before he knew it, heavy rain poured down. Soaking his clothes and leaving him calm.

He stopped in a grave that rested underneath a tree. That was one of her last wishes.

"When I die, I want to be buried under a tree. Because a tree has roots that travel far, helping people all over the world. I want to be like that. To travel and to help and to look beautiful."

He sighed, reaching out the hand that contained the flowers, he put them on her grave.


I think you're here.

He ran his thumbs on the carving on the gray stone.

"I miss you." a breeze flew past him, blowing away one of the flowers to the grave beside her's, therefore making it seem like someone visited them.

He chuckled.

Even in her death, she still wanted to help people.

With another chuckle, the rain seemed to lighten until it stopped.

The sun peaked from behind the clouds, the birds started to chirp.

He smiled.

Taking our tears away.

She was here.

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