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Nagito's POV

It was the middle of the night, it was a beautiful night. All of the street lights as bright as ever. The stars, the sky, everything was so nice. I was walking home as I pass I see him again. His name Izuru Kamakura. He was always there, every time I come home he's there. I've talked to him once, when he told me his name, but that was the last time.

"Are you okay is there something wrong? You always sit here, every night. You look so sad, so I want to help." I finally built up the courage to talk to him.

"..." He was silent. I walked closer and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why must you bother me? I dont need anyone right now." He said, his voice quiet, but soft.

"I-I was just wondering why, Why you always sit here. You look so sad, if I can I...would like to help." I said, softly. He placed his hand on mine.

"There is no need for you to worry. Now please leave." He said, moving his hand. I looked like he wanted me to stay, but I just decided to respect his wishes.

I turned to walk away taking one last glance at the long haired man, then walked away.

Izuru's POV

I walked over to the pond after talking to that white haired boy.

"This place...the place where I will end it all." I sighed, looking down at the water.

I soon after returned to my home. I change, then I sleep.

Nagito's POV

"I'm worried, he might just be a stranger but...I-I." I stuttered.

I jump onto my bed and soon after fall asleep.

Dream Land!!!

A tall figure with red eyes and black hair walked towards me. I close my eyes and wait.

"I don't understand." I said.

"I dont expect you to understand." The tall black haired figure said. He pulled me towards me into a hug.

"Why?" Was the last word I could get out before I woke up.

Real life!! Izuru's POV

"How boring, how predictable. Well it will not matter. I will soon leave this ever so boring world." I dully said.

I walked towards the spot where I always sit, waiting for the right time. Waiting, waiting, and more wating.

Nagito's POV
sorry for all the POV changes.

"Ah, what a beautifully hopeful day today is." I smiled.

"What luck will await me today." I stepped outside, taking in the fresh air. Walking through the spot I normally take to get to work.

"Hmm, how strange." The man who was always there...was gone.

"Maybe by the pond?" I said aloud.

"He seems like the type of guy who would admire the ocean, hmm I wonder if he likes boats" I thoght.

I started walking to the pond. It has really been a long Tim since I've come here. It was kinda different but there were still things I remember. Boats, flowers, rocks, paths some of them looked the same. There were also new things like Picnic tables, a playground, and other things. It amazes me how many things cold change as soon as you turn for a second, ah it was beautiful.

"Huh?" My eyes widened as I saw him, standing at the very little land that left, one more step and straight into the water.

"Was he gonna jump, was he gonna try and drown himself!?! NO WAY IM LETTING THAT HAPPEN!" I thought.

The tall black haired man suddenly leaned closer to the edge before attempting to jump then...

"I-I got you, d-dont worry!" I used all my strength to try to stop him. He looked surprised.

"H-how unpredictable." His shocked face suddenly turned into a face of absolute amazement.

"You really need to be more careful." I smiled, he just sat there in amazement.

"Th-thank you?" He said confusingly.

"Dont worry about it, I was just sending a lost hope on the right path." I said, he smiled? He smiled at me? How unpredictable is my luck?

Soon after I realized I was late for work. Lol

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