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unedited, so, sorry for mistakes.


"It's just a book," I kept replaying the words in my head.

She didn't understand.

The reason why I loved this book so much was because whenever I wanted to cut myself, I would grab the book and read all the little parts that would stop me from doing it.

It kind of sounds stupid but I liked it.

I sat in the corner of my room, bringing my knees up to my face while I stared at the dirty floor.

After 10 minutes of silence, there was a knock on my door.

A knock.

"Come in?" I couldn't open the door anyway so, the person would be able to come in even if I didn't answer.

"Luke.." Megan came in and shut the door behind her.

"Megan? What are you doing here?"

"Can I sleep with you?"


When Megan and I used to live in a home, she would always come in my room to sleep in bed with me. And I never knew why.

"I'm scared," she swallowed, her eyes trailing to the ground.

"Of what?"

"I had a bad dream."

Something in my head was telling me that Megan wasn't telling the truth. She was 16, a dumb nightmare wouldn't scare her that much for her to come in my room and ask to sleep with me.

"Megan, what's really going?" I asked, standing up and walking over to her.

Her eyes were red and her lips were swollen.

"I said I had a bad dream! So, can I sleep with you or not?" She snapped.

I blankly stared at her as I trailed off, leaving her still standing in front of my door.

I laid back down on my bed and patted the empty space beside me.

She smiled and ran onto the bed, going under the covers.

"Thanks Luke," she kissed my cheek and put an arm on my stomach.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my sister a lot. She was a good listener and we were very close growing up. We got in to fights like every other siblings do but we made up after 5 minutes because we couldn't take the silence any more longer.

After being dragged into this asylum, I barely got to see her, which sucks considering we were always together.

I was always being called "gay" for sticking by my sister's side all the time but she was my only friend and I never wanted to push her away.

She was acting weird lately and I couldn't help but notice. Last year, she was always bubbly and happy.

But now, she's a mess. And it's because of me. I did this to her.

After we killed our parents, she didn't take it well. She regrets it. She misses them.

I loved my parents but it's just that one day that made me angry and my thoughts about them were just hateful.

The only reason I got Megan into this was because if we got in trouble, we would still be together.

My sister is the jealous type as you can see and I'm not sure if she will even let me talk to Bella.

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