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It's been a day since I been new at Hollywood Arts and it's been a day since I kissed Beck I was thinking of him. What am I thinking he has a girlfriend. A mean one but a girlfriend. Andre comes up I was lost in thought. "Earth to Tori." He says. I snap out of my thoughts. "Thinking of Beck?" He asks. "Yes. Ever since yesterday we kissed in Skyowitz class. I can't stop thinking about our kiss." I say. "Beck has that affect to girls." Andre says. I see Beck and Jade come in the doors his hand wrapped around her neck. "Hey. What are you talking about?" He asks. Letting Jade go his eyes connected to me. "Nothing just homework." I say. "Yeah Tori old school homework how I came in when she was doing her mold bush." Andre says. "That sounds disgusting." He says. "Oh it was." I say, admiring his lips. My sister comes up. "How are you doing baby sister?" She asks. "Fine." I say. We head to Skyowitz class. "I don't want you talking to Beck anymore he is my boyfriend not yours I know you have a crush on him." Jade says snarly. "Well it's not your decision it's his." I say we are in Skyowitz class.
At lunch I sat by Beck and Jade, Cat, Robbie, Andre and Rex. Beck sees me playing with my food. "Your not eating." He says. "Not very hungry." I replied. He wanted to talk to me in private. "No you can't beck I'm your girlfriend." Jade says. "Doesn't mean you can tell me what to do." Beck says. He takes me to the Janitor closet. He kisses me. "What the hell! Beck!" I yelled. "So sorry I didn't mean to it just happened." He says, sadly. "You... have... a... girlfriend." I say. "I know, I hate the way she talks to you and bosses me around." Beck says, I look in his eyes. "So you decided to cheat on her with me." I say loudly. He covers my mouth with his hand. This time I kissed him. He kisses back it gets heated. We break apart. "I like you Tori, I'm going to break up with Jade soon." He replies. I nodded okay. He kisses one more time before we head out of the closet. I see Jade. "You kisses my boyfriend again you slut!" She yells, she attacks me Beck and Andre come. Andre gets me and Beck grabs Jade pulls us apart. "Jade, I want to break up." Beck says. "You can't break up with me for her!" Jade yells. "Yes I can." He says. "I like Tori I want to get to know her kiss her all the time. My feelings for you had changed. I'm sorry I cheated on you w/ Tori. I'm telling you the truth." Beck says to Jade. "We are over!" She yells. "I already broke up with you!" He yells. She storms off. "I'm gonna get you Vega!" She yells. I was terrified. Beck and Andre come and hug me. Beck didn't let go. He kissed me in front of the whole school.

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