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The sun had gone down. We had every sign we could think of. Now we wait.
It's been a couple hours before everything went crazy. We all stood guns raised, ready to kill what ever walked through the doors. Suddenly the doors swung open with a clap of thunder and lightning lighting up the walls. We all let out a couple rounds into the blinding light hoping we'd hit something.
When the chaos calmed the only thing standing there was a man in a tan trench coat and huge black wings that casted a beautiful shadow on the wall behind him. Weird ok.
"Who are you?" I yelled out to him.
"My name is Castiel, and I am an angle of the lord." He said in deep voice that could almost be described as attractive.
"Yeah right!" Dean called out. I looked at him confused, "Where's your wings then? Huh angle boy?" He teased out to the man, Castiel as he walked towards our small group.
I turned to Dean just as Castiel was a few yards in front of us. "What do you mean where's his wings, they're right there, they're huge. You'd have to be blind to not se them." I finished talking just as Castiel stopped in front of us.
"Yn, what kind of drugs are you on right now. That is just a guy in trench coat." Dean said nodding towards the angle. I stared at him like he was crazy.
"Dean how can you not see his wings? You guys see them too, right?" I turned to ask Bobby and Sam. The both looked at me like I had grown a third eye and shook their heads no.
I turned to look at Castiel, "How is that possible? Only I can see your wings."
"That is very simple, only other angles and an angle's soulmate can see their wings." He said as if it was the most common knowledge ever.
"Well she sure as hell ain't an angel." Bobby said and I shot him a look.
"So then she is my soulmate." Castiel stated plainly.
"Soulmate?" I asked.
"Yes, soulmate." He answered.
"Soulmate?" I repeated.
"Yes that is was I said, soulmate." He answered again.
Castiel tilted his head in confusion, "I do not understand why you keep repeating that, are you confused about the concept of soulmates?" He asked.
"No. I know what soulmates are, it's just.... I'm trying to process the fact that an angle just strutted in here and told me I'm his soulmate."I said running my fingers through my hair.
"May I talk to Yn, privately?" He asked.
I nodded slightly and started walking towards him but only to be held back by Sam. I looked back at him confused. "We just met this guy. He could try to kill you for all we know. I just don't think it's a good idea." He said still holding my arm.
I pulled away, "I know you guys worry about me but, I don't know why but I just feel like I should trust him. If anything goes wrong I'll holler." I said stepping closer to Castiel.
"I promise I mean no harm to her. I simply would like to talk to her over a private matter." Castiel offering me his arm. I gently wrapped my small hand his surprising thick bicep and looked up to him and gave him a slight smile which he returned.
"Hold on." He whispered. Next thing I new we were standing in a clearing in a forest, that was being lit up by the full moon overhead.
"This is beautiful." I said letting go and taking a slight step away.
"I thought you'd like it." He said.
"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked trying to get right to the point.
"Well, although we are soulmates does not mean we must end up together. Yes the lord has intended that, but there are many things that he intends that do not happen. So I do not expect anything from you. And before you make up your mind you must know somethings about angles, the first being I do not currently possess the ability to feel emotions. It's not impossible for it to happen but extremely hard and exceptionally rare for angles to develop emotions."
I cut him off by asking, "So not completely impossible?"
He smiled looking down, "No I suppose not completely impossible. Anyways other things you should know is that I will not age, well my vessel will not but you will. Also children could never happen with me because human and angle hybrids are greatly frowned upon in heaven. That's really all that could alter you decision. I don't expect an answer now, I can give you time to think on it." He said.
Almost immediately I responded with, "I want to be with you."
He looked at me in shock. "Really?"
I nodded, "Yea, I'm always up for an adventure or a challenge. And something tells me this will be both." I said with a smile.
"Thank you Yn."
"How do you know my name?" I asked.
"I've known we were soulmates long before you were born. I've been your guardian angel of sorts for your whole life." He said.
I got the urge to hug him, so that's what I did. At first he was quite stiff and awkward but he eventually melted into the embrace.
"Oh Yn, there's one thing else you should know," he began, looking down at me as I looked up all with out letting go of one another, "I've never been with someone. Human or angle."
"It's ok Castiel, I haven't either." I said caressing his face. He placed a quick kiss on my forehead before we were back in front of the boys. I was still is Castiel's arms.
"Oh my god. Is she hurt?" Sam said standing up from where he sat on the floor.
"No I'm fine Sam." I said stepping away from Castiel, instantly missing having his arms around me.
Suddenly I felt a familiar tug on my soul. It was a more forceful one and I knew it was my father calling me home.
"Damnit." I mumbled causing everyone to look at me. "Hate to cut the meet and greet short guys but dads calling me home. I have to go. I'm sorry. Let me know if anything happens ever and you need my help. Or at least call every now and then to catch up." I said to Sam and Dean and gave them each a hug. I turned to Bobby, "It was nice to meet you sir. I hope to see you again."
He shook his head with a slight smile and opened his arms for me to hug him too. "If you ever need help on a hunt and you don't trust those two idjits, feel free to call me, kid." He said.
I then turned to Castiel. "I'm sorry I have to leave so soon. I'll be around I guess. I hope I'll see you again." I said and looked down with tears threatening to fall. I know I've just met him but I felt a deep connection to this trench coat-wearing angel in front of me. I felt two fingers lift my chin, "Don't speak like that. I will see you again, even if I have to come find you." Castiel's deep voice rang in my ears. I nodded and hugged him one last time.
"Bye guys." I turned back and looked at them then back to Castiel. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek while standing on my toes to reach him before whispering, "Bye Castiel,I'll see you soon." And with that I walked a few feet away before allowing myself to be transported back to Hell.

An Angel in Hell (CastielxReader) (fatherCrowley x daughter reader) Where stories live. Discover now