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I sat at home while Sam, Dean and Castiel were off on a hunt or something. I was sitting in the throne room with my dad. I was reading a random lore book I borrowed from Sam. And by borrow I mean stole.
"Yn, I have to go make a deal. I'll be back soon. If I'm not then that probably means I'm in a Devil trap, you know what to do." He said getting up. He took a few steps forward before disappearing.
I sighed. I was bored out of my mind I tried calling Castiel. No answer. The same fait was met when I called Sam and Dean. Weird. I shrugged it off.

Castiel's pov
I watched as a man went to the center of the Crossroads. I waited for him to appear. Then I watched as he sealed the deal with the man.
I called Dean. "Found him." I said.
"Ok I will." I said before I hung up.
I felt guilty for doing this. We have reason to believe Yn father has the Colt. We need to track it down. That's why we told her we didn't need her help right now. We couldn't have her know that we're tracking her father. But lying to her felt worse in some ways.
I followed him until he reached a compound. I could no longer follow for there were warding symbols everywhere. I once again called Dean. I told him I couldn't go any further and he said he'd take over from here.
I so desperately wanted to go see Yn but I couldn't. It'd jeopardize the whole plan. I just hope she will understand once this is all over.

Readers pov
I got a call from my dad telling me to come to house number seven. We have multiple houses throughout the US and they each have a number with them. I said ok and hung up. I tried to call Castiel again. No answer. So I just let myself be transported to the house.
"Hey dad." I said walking in.
"Hello love. You look tired. Your room has been made up, why don't you head off to bed early?" He suggested standing up.
I only nodded. "What's wrong?" He asked before I could leave.
"The guys and Castiel aren't answering my calls. They said they didn't want my help on this case, but I'm worried." I said sighing.
"I'm sure they are fine. Go get some rest and try to call in the morning." He said. He gave me a hug goodnight that I returned before walking off to my room.
I was laying restlessly in bed when I heard two gunshots down stairs. I sprung out of bed and raced to where my dad was.
When I got there I saw the Winchester and my dad talking while two dead demons laid on the floor.
"Sam? Dean?" I questioned. They turned to me.
"Yn?" The said in unison.
"Yn, dear, I'm trying to deal with private business." My dad said hinting at me to leave.
"No!" I snapped.
Dean and Sam stiffened. They were clearly concerned that I just snapped at the king of hell.
"What?" I asked them.
Dean moves his eyes to my dad and slightly nodded his head that direction.
"He doesn't scare me, Dean." I said frustrated that they were here and didn't even tell me.
"Tell me why you two are here." I demanded.
"The Colt. We had a feeling your dad had it. So we got Castiel to spy on him. And here we are." Dean explained.
"Ok let me get this straight. You got my boyfriend to spy on my father instead of just straight up asking me. I would have told you the truth." I said the hurt evident in my voice.
"Excuse me, but can we get back to why they are here, please?" My dad said growing impatient.
"Calm down old man." I said as I flipped up the edge of rug and cut the devil trap with pocket knife so he could move freely.
"Alright let's talk." I said.
We moved into the sitting room. I poured us all a glass of scotch then we sat down to talk.
"Now I could have buried this thing deep in Hell where no one could ever find it. But instead I've lead you here. You know planted rumors here and there to let you know that I have it. I knew you were looking for it but you'd never ask Yn, although you should have it would have been a lot easier and smarter." My dad said.
"Wait why would you want us to have the Colt?" Dean interrupted.
"Well if you wouldn't interrupt me you functioning moron, you'd know by now." My dad snapped.
I rolled my eyes and mumbled underneath my breath.
"What was that young lady?" My dad asked me.
"I said we should get you back into anger management classes." I sassed.
"Yn, quit trying to show off." Sam warned.
My dad sighed, "She's not showing off, unfortunately. She's always like this. Anyways like I was saying. I want you to have the Colt to empty it into Lucifer's face."
"Why do you want Lucifer dead?" Dean asked.
My dad turned to me. "I thought you were exaggerating on how stupid they can be. I'm sorry I ever doubted you. They truly are bloody idiots." He then turned back to Sam and Dean, "Lucifer is not a demon he's an angel. And angel that hates humans and think demons are just servants. Once he's done whipping out your kind, mine will be next and I can't have that." He finished your holding the gun out to Sam who carefully took it.
"Do you by any chance know where Lucifer might be?" Sam asked hopefully.
"Carthage, Missouri." He answered.
Sam looked to Dean who gave him a nod. Then in one quick motion Sam amid the gun at my father and pulled the trigger. I jumped in my seat and nearly got up to kill Sam but I realized nothing actually happened. My dad still sat in his chair unfazed.
He stood up suddenly. "Oh I almost forgot. The ammunition." He said going over to his desk getting out the special bullets.
"What if this doesn't work?" Dean asked.
My dad just shrugged. "Just how about you don't miss..... ok morons?" He asked before disappearing. This left me alone with Sam and Dean.
"Yn your welc-" Sam began.
"Shut your damn mouth!" I yelled at him catching them both by surprise. "If that gun wasn't loaded you would have just killed my dad. King of Hell or not, he still raised me. I still love him, he's my family. I can't believe you would have just shot him like that, and with me right beside him." I said as tears fell down my cheeks.
Dean walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, turning me away from Sam. "Sh" He whispered as he calmed me by rubbing up and down my back.
Once I was calmed down Dean held me at arms distance. "Yn, we could really use your help on this please?" Dean asked. I nodded.
We heard a thump. I turned to see two duffel bags, one was filled with weapons the other had some clothes for me. A note was on top of them. It read:

An Angel in Hell (CastielxReader) (fatherCrowley x daughter reader) Where stories live. Discover now