Marvel: Bucky x Goddess of Death!Reader

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A/N-Oooh Ik it's going to be a weird one okay so the picture is what you look like when you turn on your Goddess of Death powers and those are your loyal pets who only appear when you call them forth. So your going apeshit crazy on the avengers cause they don't know where Bucky is and he just shows up and you like turn all prissy when he shows up.

~(Y/N) POV~

"What the hell do you mean you don't know where he is!" I shouted at Steve.

"Please, calm down (Y/N)." He cautiously backed up from my steaming form. 

"Rogers. My boyfriend has been gone for about 70 years and he just now resurfaces and you have no fucking clue where he is?!" I yell at them.

"How do we even know you knew, Bucky." Stark interrupted. "I mean look at you you've got to be at least 20 something."

"I'm 1021." I stated making everyone open there mouths in shock. 

"No way." Natasha scoffed. 

"Wait you Midgardians believe I'm human? That's hilarious." I laughed off.

"If your not human what are you?" Clint asks. I was going to answer him when a thunderous boom is heard from behind us. I turn around and it's my brother, Thor.

"(N/N)!?" He exclaimed. I picked up the ends of my dress and ran towards him. He swiftly picked me up and spun me around.

"Hey, big brother!" I exclaimed hugging him tightly.

"I have very much missed you, (N/N). But, what are you doing here with the Avengers?" He questioned. 

"I'm here for Bucky, Thor. And these mortals have lost him. Again." My mood changed quickly. I was so upset. They don't know how hard it is to lose someone for almost a century. 

"Please, (N/N) calm down no need to bring out the worst in you." He cooed but I was already gone. My eyes turned white along with my skin as my bones thinned and my dressed changed to shredded garbs and my nails went black. My crown sprouted from my head as Thor ushered everyone to move as far away from me as possible. The ground began shaking as Jormungandur sprouted from the ground. A loud howl was heard as Fenrir jumped from the sky and landed by my side. They both stood tall as I sauntered my way towards the Avengers. 

"Please, (Y/N) don't make me figh-." I didn't let him finish as he approached I swiped him away as he went flying away.

"You lost him. Is that right?" My deep voice rang through there ears as they suit up to fight me. "You mortals don't know how it feels to loose the only one who ever truly cared for you when you were disowned by your kingdom. Especially not for a century. None of you!" My voice boomed. I was about to attack when a voice said:

"(N/N) stop!"

I turned around and it was the love of my life.

"Bucky." I gasped out. My eyes turned back. I was going to run up to hug him until I felt a certain prick in my shoulder. I looked down at it and a arrow was sticking out of my shoulder. My eyes blackened again as I turned back around and saw Clint holding his bow up and everyone else looking horrified at me. I pulled out the arrow as my skin quickly regenerated. I was going to attack them, but I felt a hand on my other shoulder. 

"Babydoll." He whispered in my ear. Immediately my eyes and skin went back turning to my normal self. All of my features changed and I made sure I looked better than before. I had a long pink dress and my crown turned into flowers. My hair curled and my nails went pink. I turned towards him and locked eyes. Tears were rolling down his gorgeous blue eyes. 

"Bucky." I cried. I lifted up my dress and jumped into his arms. Of course he caught me he held me so tight as we cried for one another. I lifted my face from his shoulder and connected our lips. His slightly chapped lips, oh how I missed them so.

I pulled away as a weird metal feeling rubbed my back I looked at his left arm and it was no longer what it once was, it was fully metal. He saw me looking and frowned. I sensed the insecurity he had about it and held the metal hand making him look at me. 

"I like it. It's kind of sexy." I purred making him laugh and hold me tighter. Fenrir and Jormungandur had gone away until  I needed them again. He was about to walk away with me in my his arms when Tony tried to stop us.

"There is no way I'm letting the two of you walk away. Your a dangerous criminal and your a god. You need to come with us."

"I believe the correct word your looking for is soldier." I hissed at  him.

"And she's not a god, she's a goddess." Bucky said in 'aww' making me blush.

"And I can't let either of you leave." He said stubbornly.

I sighed out and waved my hand in the air making us teleport away from them. I don't know where we were going but I know I'm never leaving him ever again.

Thanks for Reading!!

-882 words-

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