Chapter 4 "The Dress"

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Chapter 4

Rhys and I left Café Velaris hand in hand. He had insisted on paying. I would pay next time, even though I knew that I wouldn't get paid if I didn't go back to work with Tamlin.

Rhys was still willing to give me the job, but I wasn't allowed to work anywhere other than Manor Publishing with the freaking contract. I guess I just couldn't go back.

Rhys insisted on buying me a new phone, saying something snarky about how Tamlin shouldn't know what all of our shenanigans were. I knew he just wanted me to be safe.

Rhys also stopped by a department store and came out of the store with a large, mysterious bag. What was in it, I didn't know. When I asked, he just told me that I would find out later.

It was almost three in the afternoon by the time we were finished with our lunch and errand. Rhys suggested we go back to the townhouse and watch a movie. I agreed, on the condition that I could be the one to choose the movie. Rhys agreed as well.

When we got back to that townhouse I chose "Star Wars, A New Hope", and Rhys was skeptical at first. As the movie progressed, he began scooting closer to me on the couch. He was trying to be sneaky, but I knew what he was doing. He finally got close enough that our knees were touching and he slung his arm around my shoulders.

At the end of the movie, Rhys would not shut up about how much he liked it. He thought that Han Solo was super funny, and that it was awesome how Luke destroyed the Death Star.

"I mean, Feyre, it took one shot for him to blow it up. Luke is so cool!" Rhys exclaimed.

"I know. Wait until we get to watch the new movies, there's this girl Rey, and she's really cool too!" I explained. Then Rhys got into a big rant about how it was so great that movies finally had female protagonists. It turns out that Rhys was a huge feminist. He even went to the Women's Marches in DC.

"No way! I was there at both of them too!" I exclaimed.

"How did we not see each other?" Rhys asked regretfully, as if he wished he had met me sooner.

"There were like, a million people there, Rhys. You wouldn't have seen me if you weren't looking." I told him.

"I would find you now if I looked, and I would have walked right over to you and said 'Hi, my name is Rhys, and I'm a huge nerd. I'm twenty four. I read books all the time and draw pictures of the night sky. You are the most wonderful person I've ever met, and I would be honored if you would go out to dinner with me tonight.'" He said with conviction. I was at a loss for words with what he said to me. He was the kindest person I had ever met, he was smart, and funny, and he seemed to really like me. I didn't know what to say. Rhys flushed.

"You don't have to. We can just get dinner as friends. Whatever makes you happy, Feyre." Rhys offered. I realized that there was no way that I could say no to him because there was no other reality or world where I would ever not want to be with Rhys.

"I would be honored to go out with you Rhys. You are the kindest, most caring person that I have been lucky enough to meet. I know that we just met, but I feel like I can trust you. You are different than other people that I have met before. You're special." 'I care about you' was what I didn't need to add. Rhys's face lit up. He beamed and flushed, and it was adorable.

"Great! I made reservations at a nice place that my cousin really likes." He admitted. He walked over to his desk and pulled out the mysterious bag from earlier. He handed it to me and I peeked inside.

What I saw was the most beautiful dress I had ever laid eyes on. I pulled it out.

"Oh, Rhys. I don't know what to say." Tears were filling my eyes. No one had ever been so kind to me.

"Go put it on." He said quietly and pointed towards the bathroom. I slipped the dress on and it fit like a glove. It was modest, but fit so closely to my body that it showed off my curves and lines. It went all the way to the floor, hugging my thighs and spilling to the ground below them. The dress was covered in teeny tiny blue gems so light that they could have been white if I wasn't looking closely enough.

I stepped out of the bathroom and Rhys was nowhere to be found.

"I'm upstairs changing!" He called from his room.

"Okay!" I called back. I turned to stare out the large window in the living room. There was a beautiful view of the sunset.

I heard near silent steps pad down the stairs. I turned around to face Rhys. He was wearing a black suit with a tight fitting black button down that did wonders for showing off his muscular chest.

He looked me over with admiration.

"You look....." This time it was Rhys who was at a loss for words. "You are more beautiful than the stars. I have never seen anyone so beautiful in my life." He admitted, flushing. There were tears running down his face. I walked over to him.

"You look wonderful as well." I admitted, also flushing. I closed the distance between us and kissed away his tears. He froze, then wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Shall we?" He asked. Kiss. Yes. Wait, he was gesturing to the door.

"Alright." I agreed.

When we got to the car, Rhys gave me a look of pure adoration and I found myself wondering if I was in love with him already. Wait, what?


Full disclosure, this chapter made me cry a little. I am very happy with Feyre and Rhys. I don't know how long the happy mood can last with Tamlin, unfortunately. What did you guys think? Let me know.

P.S. The next chapter will be called "The Date" :)

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