Chapter 6 "The Contract"

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Chapter 6


Feyre should be back by now. She was ten minutes late for work. I wasn't entirely sure if she was coming. I was going to get her to get back together with me.

I didn't care that she had slept with Rhysand. She was mine, and her contract still existed. Even if it was a phony deal and couldn't make her stay anyways. There was a knock at my office door.

"Tamlin?" A very male, very not Feyre voice called from outside the door.

"Come in." I growled, losing interest as soon as I discovered that the voice wasn't Feyre.

The door opened, and I found myself face to face with my worst enemy. Rhysand Lord. I snarled at him.

Rhysand(I could not do Tamlin for very long and be in a good mood)

"Hello." I purred at my adversary, Tamlin Tool.

"Rhysand." He growled back at me.

"Rhysand? My, my. You must truly be pissed." I replied, pretending to pick at a piece of lint on my immaculately tailored suit.

"Cut the crap, Rhysand. I know what you're here for, and I am not going to let you get what you want." Tamlin replied with barely veiled anger.

"Of course you know what I'm here for! I called your office, silly. You know that no matter what history we have, it is still important to give kids an opportunity to read." I told him simply. He looked about ready to get up from his desk in his large office and punch me. I simply slipped my hands into my pockets and smirked.

"I'm not talking about your phony book proposal. I'm talking about you and my assistant Feyre's emails. I know you are trying to take her from me. She is mine. We are together and there is nothing you can do about it." Tamlin barked, trying not to yell. I swear if he had claws, they would be out and trying to scratch my face off. I merely stopped smirking and glared at him.

"Oh, I know you were with Feyre. I also know she broke it off with you a few months ago after you hit her. She wrote me a week or so after that and asked for a job. I was happy to oblige her. She had a contract with the company, though. One that I know is complete bullshirt. I would like you to know that we will be pressing charges. So, yes. I came here for Feyre." I said quietly but not softly.

"Well look at you, you think you're so clever". She is happy here. I found one of your emails. It seems you are deluding yourself into thinking that she's interested in you and she's not." Tamlin said angrily. I laughed right in his face. "What's so funny?" He demanded.

"What's funny is that everything that you just said is wrong. She is done with you and your pathetic company. She is going to work for me now, is that clear? Or do you have trouble hearing me with your head shoved so far up your butt?" I countered smoothly. Smoke was practically coming out of his ears.

"So you two did it. Big deal. It doesn't mean she likes you." Tamlin seethed.

"Is that what you tell yourself because you didn't sleep with Feyre?" I asked, smirking.

"No- I hate you so, so much." He continued "How dare you sleep with my girlfriend!"

"First of all, she's not your girlfriend. Second of all, I didn't so much as kiss her. Lastly, I would like you to free her from your fraudulent contract before I go to the police." I continued as calmly as possible.

"Like the cops will believe you. My uncle's in the FBI. So I committed fraud against one girl. Who are they gonna believe? A simple artist or the owner of a respectable company?" Tamlin argued.

"I think they'll believe the tape that is currently being recorded through your video surveillance system." I confessed. Tamlin bolted up from his chair and attempted to flip his desk, but it was bolted to the ground, so he just fell over on his butt.

He jumped onto his feet and tried to punch me. I blocked it. What Tamlin didn't see was Feyre sneaking up behind him. She punched him so hard he was knocked out cold. I smiled at her proudly.

"Let's get that tape and get out of here." I suggested. Feyre nodded her head I agreement.

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