Chapter 2

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"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Rin Arato and i am the ultimate comic book artist." I told Shuichi and Kaede who were, as i expected, in front of Kaede's research lab door. I had a sudden urge to snap out and let my fangirl side take over but i couldn't afford my cover being blown up, plus, it would've been a bad first impression; i didn't want to come off as suspicious in a killing game.

Kaede: Nice to meet you too! My name is Akamatsu Kaede, the ultimate Pianist and this is Shuichi Saihara...
"The ultimate detective." said Shuichi, he was avoiding eye contact and tried to hide his face with his hat. He's as nervous and shy as i remember. i thought to myself.
"So um have you guys met the others yet?"
Kaede: yeah! We just bumped into Tsumugi and Tenko.
"Who?" I asked... Trying to sound as oblivious as possible.
Kaede: Tsumugi isn't far away from here, you should meet up with her soon enough. Meanwhile we're going to go look for the others.
She was as optimitistic and outgoing as in the game which made me a little happier. Meeting them in person felt... Surreal, but i had to go meet up with the others.
"Oh hello, you must be Tsumugi."
Tsumugi: Mhm, my name is Shirogane Tsumugi, the utimate cosplayer.
"ooo i'm Rin arato, the ultimate comic book artist."
Tsumugi: hmm, what a plain name.
"yeah my name's pretty basic and so is my tale- anyway do you know where we are or where the others are?"
Tsumugi: hrn apart from kaede, shuichi and you, No and no i don't know where we are either.
Says the mastermind herself, but eh, i shouldn't worry about that right now.
"thank you anyway and it's always nice to meet other fellow otaku."
Tsumugi: you're an o-
I immediately rushed to where Himiko was before tsumugi could finish her sentence.
The dining hall huh? I thought to myself. I was then immediately greeted by the great mage herself.
Himiko: Prepare to be amazed, fall to your knees... I am Himiko Yumeno, The ultimate mage... But i am officially called the ultimate Magician.
"Nice to meet you my name is Rin Arato, the ultimate comic book artist." saying it out loud made me feel very special for some reason. "Hey, did you meet Angie yet?"
Himiko: Nyeh... Angie?
"Wait, did you even look around the school for the others?"
Himiko: No, that's a pain.
God, she's even lazier than me.
wow she caught me by surprise.
Tenko: Why are you shocked?!  I was yelling to get into the mood! Don’t you know?! If you yell a lot, the things that limit your brain are turned off!
Tenko: You never know when you’re going to be attacked! I’m always in stance!
​My secret weapon, Neo Aikido​, protects me!
"So you must be t-"
Tenko: Yes, i’m the Ultimate Aikido Master​, Chabashira Te​nko​!
"my name is rin arato, the ultimate comic book artist, nice to meet you!"
Tenko: Mhm, if you have a problem with any degenerate male, call me and i'll use my neo aikido on them. hyaah!
"Noted. Well then, i'll be going. It was nice to meet you!" I told Tenko as i exited the dining hall.
Next is Ryoma, according to this, he's in the arcade room. I thought to myself while running to the basement.
"Hi, my name's Rin Arato, the ultimate comic book artist." wow, he's even shorter than i had imagined. As a short person, being taller than someone my age felt rather weird...
Ryoma: Hello, i'm nothing but the remains of, the ultimate tennis player, Hoshi Ryoma's legacy.
"What do you mean?" I already knew what he meant by that and even though it would had slowed me down, i couldn't let that comment slide because, having no people who cared about him was what led to his death; I needed to sound at least interested in his story.
Ryoma: What do you think about using your talent for murder?
"You can't kill people using comic books, can you?" i joked. "But i don't know, it probably depends on the reason why you'd have to do that... I read somewhere that you destroyed a mafia organization by using your tennis skills, i know that killing is bad but i'm sure you had your cause, blaming yourself over it forever won't solve anything, you need to learn from your mistakes and get over it."
Ryoma: Hm, thank you but i'm warning you, kid. Don't even try to get close to a killer like me. You'll regret it.
He then exited the room. Ryoma wasn't necessarily my favourite character but i couldn't help but feel bad for him. After mentally preparing myself, I went to the library where Maki was. Oh boy, i'm scared.
"Hi, my name is Rin Arato, the ultimate comic book artist."
Maki: ...
"Um and you are...?"
Maki: Harukawa Maki, the Ultimate caregiver.
Maki: you're probably thinking that i don't look like someone who would like kids. Well truth is, i don't. Children just seem... attracted to me.
"oh i guess... Do you know where i can find the others?"
Maki: No...
There was a brief moment of silence... the girl turned her back on me and strolled out ofThe library. She's not as scary as i thought. I then climbed up the stairs leading to the first floor.
Rantaro: Yo! How’s it going? You’re trapped here too, yeah? ​Looks like you’re not hurt. Cool, that’s great!
Oh my god, it's Rantaro. He was at least one foot taller than me and as hot as i expected.
Rantaro: Oh? Your face is turning red, do you have a fever?
"Ah, no it's... n-nothing!" i mumbeled. "i'm Rin Arato, the ultimate comic book artist."
Rantaro: I guess i have to introduce myself, eh? My name is Amami Rantaro ​. It’s cool to meet you!​ Even if I can’t remember anything about myself or my talent, I’m not suspicious. ​I’m just a normal guy.
"you're definitely the ultimate model." i mumbeled to myself.
Rantaro: Hm? What was it?
"N-nothing!! Oh and Rantaro, can you please meet me at the library at nighttime, i'd like to talk to you about... Erm something and don't worry, hopefully, Kokichi will be there as well."
Rantaro: Oh yeah sure, i don't mind... if we stay trapped here, that is.
Good thing i asked him before the killing game announcement.
"Anyway i have to go. See ya!"
Uh oh next is Miu... I took a deep breath as i entered the Warehouse...
"Um hi?"
Miu: Don’t randomly talk to me like that, you ugly bitch!
"my name is rin Arato, the ultimate comic book artist..."
Miu: Haha! What a lame talent!!
"Anyway, who are you?"
Miu: Eh? Are you serious?! Do you really not know who I am?! Brains, straps made with golden lining, great lips and eyes, the most beautiful genius in the world…
​The Super High School Level Inventor​, Iruma ​M​iu!
"Oh, nice to meet you..."
As i said that, i quickly ran away. I could hear her shout "Hey pussy, why are you running away?!" i didn't even know the answer myself. i continued running until i bumped into someone.
"Oh sorr-"
Kaito: Nah, it's fine i'm the one who should be apologizing.
"not really, i'm the one who was running."
Kaito: Why were you running?
"it's nothing important... Anyway, i'm Rin arato, the ultimate comic book artist."
Kaito: I am kaito Momoto, the ultimate Astronaut​! Famous in both space AND on earth.
"Wow impressive."
Kaito: heh...
"i think i missed someone on my way here... Gotta go, see ya!"
i immediately went back to where Korekiyo was.
"hello, i am Rin arato, the ultimate comic book artist." god this is the seventh time i say this gahh.
Korekiyo: I am Shi​nguuji Korekiyo,​ the Super High School Level Anthropologist​.
"hm, that sounds interesting!"
Korekiyo: Of course it is. Anthropology is the study of humans, after all. And I believe humans hold an infinite beauty.
Kukuku… humans are so awe-inspiring!
"Yeah, right..." this is getting awkward, i should probably get going... I then went back 'outside' to meet up with Gonta and Angie.
"Er, hello... my name is Rin arato the ultimate comic book artist."
Gonta: Thank you for talking to Gonta. Gonta very happy lady come talk to him.
"Aw, you shouldn't. You seem like a very nice person... So you're Gonta?"
Gonta:  Mhm, ​Gonta's name is Gokuh​ara​ Gonta​, the Ultimate Entomologist​. Gonta wants to become proper gentleman.
"you're definitely walking in the right path, Gonta. Anyway, i gotta go meet the others, 's been nice to meet ya!"
As i was walking to the dormitory, I heard a voice i knew quite well, it was angie's.
Angie: hellooo!
​This is the Super High School Level Artist​, Yonaga ​An​gie!
"Hi! My name is Rin Arato, the ultimate comic book artist. I've always wanted to learn how to paint, could you teach me someday?
Angie: Nayahaha! Atua says he shall allow you to be his pupil.
"oh cool!"
Angie: and then you can become one of my blood sacrifices!
"no thanks."
Angie: Atua says your blood would be perfect!
I then ran off to the dormitory. wew, i didn't know i would run away from this many people.
As i entered the dormitory, i was greeted by Kirumi.
Kirumi: ​Hello, I am Toujou Kiru​mi​, the Ultimate Maid​. If there is ever anything you need, don’t hesitate to ask me.
"hi, i'm rin arato, the ultimate comic book artist and you don't need to act as our maid... I'm looking forward to becoming your friend!"
Kirumi: ​Do not say such things, no matter what happens… I will work for everyone, and I will live by my code.
"you do you. " I shrugged.
Hmm the only people left are Kiibo and kokichi. Being the fangirl I am, I purposely wanted to meet kokichi last in order to spend more time with him, though i knew he would surely act like a brat...
As soon as i came in the class, Kokichi stopped chasing Kiibo and turned around, my body suddenly felt heavy and i fainted, it never happened to me before... I always thought fainting was just an act people put on to dramatize the situation... but i was wrong.
Kokichi: Morning, sleepy head!
Kokichi was literally one inch away from my face, i couldn't believe it. As for Kiibo, he was standing next to me extending his hand to me so i could stand up.
I thanked Kiibo then stood up.
Kokichi: so why did you faint? Did you see a ghost or something?
Lying is basically pointless i might as well tell him everything.
"<sigh> It's because of you..."
Kokichi: Nishishi, Am i that attractive?
Kiibo: no, she surely has a more logical reas-
i could feel kiibo's shock, even i was shook by my reaction...
Kokichi: Wow. i didn't actually think you'd confess that easily, how'd you know lying to me was pointless?
"i'll tell you later if you accept to meet up with me at the library at nighttime."
Kiibo: i'm right here...
"but you're a robot, what if you have a voice recording function and use it to blackmail me?!"
I really don't wanna sound rude to a 'person' as nice as kiibo but i couldn't afford getting my plans ruined since he's the audience's eyes.
Keebo: That's Robophobic!
Kokichi: hm, sounds fishy... How do i know if you're not just waiting for an opportunity to rape me!
"oh come on! Be a Lil realistic!
Kokichi: but you know what they say; stranger danger.
"oh right, my name is Rin arato. The ultimate comic book artist."
Kiibo: I’m Ki​ibo​! The Super High School Level Robot​!
Kokichi: Aw, c’mon, no fair! Why does a robot get to introduce itself before me?
​Let me make my own introduction too!
I’m ôma Kokic​hi​, the ultimate Supreme Leader​!
"well now we're not strangers anymore, right?"
Kokichi: if I don't come back alive, you know what to do. Right kiiboy?
Kiibo: i have no reason for helping you.
Kokichi: Aw Come onn!! Why do you hate me so much?! I only want to be your friend!! Bwaaaaah!!
Kiibo: your tears are insignificant for me.
Kokichi: of course they are, how can a robot, like you, understand a person's feelings?
Kiibo: This is Robot discrimination !
"Okay, this is awkward..."
Kiibo: i agree.
Kokichi: Aww, why do you guys have to be a bunch of buzzkills!
Suddenly the monitor turned on:

Monotaro: Hello, everyone! How are you all enjoying your new home?
Monodam: . . . . . .
Monokid: Who gives a shit?! We’re waiting for you!
Monophanie: With that said… everyone! Head to the auditorium, please!
Monokid: HELL YEAH! The entrance ceremony will finally begin!
Monotaro: Yes, the preparations are finally complete.
Monosuke: Wait, who are we talking to again? I don’t think this camera understands us.
Monophanie: Monosuke… there’s something I have to tell you after we’re done.
Monotaro: we'll see you later.

Kokichi then shrugged.
Kokichi: i guess we should go wherever this suuuper suspicious video told us to. But since the monokubs are robots just like yo- hey, hey, hey Kiiboy!! are they your little siblings??
Kiibo: please, do not compare me to those toys. I'm just a normal high school student like you.
Kokichi: righhtt... Do robots have dicks?
Kiibo: what kind of question is that supposed to be?!
"Hey guys, don't you think we should head out to the gymnasium? Whoever's keeping us trapped here wouldn't like it if we didn't."
Kiibo: i agree.
Kokichi: Go on without me, i'm not interested nor curious about it.
"...Is that a lie?"
Kokichi: Nishishi, we've only known each other for ten minutes and you already know me so well, Rinny!
"what kind of nickname is that?"
Kokichi: a perfect nickname for my cute shortie!!
"the cute part is obviously a lie."
Kokichi: see? You know me so well. Nishishi~.
Kiibo: ahem, tell me when you're done.
Kokichi: okie dokie!
"just come on mister supreme dork."
And so we went to the gym...

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