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A/N: alright let's do this recap then the first chapter.

Edit: Hey all! This is just a recap of the last chapter! Let me know if you want me to edit the first book in the series, I hope you all enjoy the edited version of this chapter and the chapters to come!.


Damian and Bruce drove back into the Batcave after a long Patrol, they had yet to find a new Robin and so Nightwing was helping Batman along with patrolling Bludhaven. Once they walked out of the Batmobile they immediately noticed a message that was connected to a picture of a young boy. Bruce immediately rushed over with wide eyes. Damian followed close behind confusion etched onto his face.

"Father? What's going on? What are you doing? Who is that?" His questions came out more frantic then he would have originally liked but they were asked and he was content with waiting for an answer.

"Tracking where the Message came from." Was the only response he got.

"Why? Who is that?" Damian asked again, more firmly.

"That's Dick, I don't know how or why he looks Thirteen again but that's definitely him, which means that someone has him right now and I need to track him before we lose him all over again.

Damian nodded and began clicking around on the screen trying to help Bruce, he clicked in the middle to reveal that the photo had been a video all along. The pair went wide eyed when they saw who had Dick.

"So you probably want to know why the Court of Owls and League of Assassins are working together. Well we're going to get back at Batman by creating an assassin from someone he cherished and rose from the dead.. It's harder than we thought because he isn't going to kill anyone...yet. He will and when he does he'll be known as the deadliest assassin ever... Renegade. If you don't want us to do anything else to him you've got a week to find him or we continue our training. Good Luck, you're going to need it." The menacing voice of a court member spoke while a League member showed a terrified Dick off to the Camera.

When the video ended Damian immediately rushed off only giving Bruce a brief. 'Making an important call' before he disappeared into the training room. Bruce nodded then called Tim and Jason to come to the Batcave immediately. When the brothers got to the cave Bruce showed them the video and explained what was happening as quickly as he could without missing any details. Damian rushed back into the room after Bruce explained what was happening.

"I have gotten someone to help us." Damian told the other three who nodded, immediately they began discussing the plan.

*Damian's call*

Damian walked into the training room and began pacing as he scrolled through his contacts. He found the one he was looking for and clicked on it, he pressed the call button and put the phone to his ear listening to the dial tone ring out for a second before the person answered.

"Hey Rachel, you know that favor you owe me? I need to cash it in, starting today."


A/N: I will post the first chapter soon.

Edit: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, I like this one a lot better then the last. Tomorrow I'm going to start working on the other chapters and hopefully get them done with and start working on new updates!

Love You All!

~Dallas Marie

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