Chapter 12

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"So...How are you keisha?" Jungkook ask Ofcourse I let him in

"Im good...I've been living here with two other killer" I said

"Whoah?" Okay...He's been Jungshookt for the third time

"Yup...Jungkookie wait okay? Im just ganna go amd check Myke...Just make your self comfortable"I said and Go to kitchen.

"Fvck you and Your curiosity" I said sitting on the counter

"How did you know Im spying on you?" He said with curious eyes

"Duh~ I just said Fvck your curiosity I didn't say spy~" I said sarcastically

"Duh~ Curiosity leaves to spying" He said.

"I though your slow... Were ganna go somewhere after this okay?" I said leaving the kitchen

"Noted"he respond

I leaft the kitchen and Went to Jungkook

"Wut is dis? Is dis a toy?" He said


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"Oh pull the trigger?" He innocently said

"Shut up I know that you got guns in your room so don't be innocent" I said as I smirk

He sigh

"Fineee You got meh" he let go of the gun and went to the table

/After jungkook ate/

"Kamshamida Hyung!" Jungkook said happily

"That means he enjoy your food"Im like a bunny translator though..LOLS.

"Meh~" Myke said and Go to his room to change his outfit.

"Now that means, Thank you I get that alot" I translate it to Jungkook who said 'oh'

"So...When Will you return to us?" Jungkook said with a serious  face

"Hmmmm....Until Yoongi will not be killed~" I said like that I/They never been death threat before.

"True.. The gangs are not really worried about death threats...we got that alot. But do you mean that someone will kill yoongi if you went back to us?" Jungkook said who surprisingly got right.

"Who the hell are you? And What did you do to my jungkookie?" I said and then we both laugh

"I felt like this is dejavu" He added I just reply with 'true'

"Hey keis-- oh hey there cutie" We both look at the door and saw Olivia whos mow flirting with Jungkook

I got my slippers and throw it at Olivia the slippers got on her head and She said 'aw' louder.

"Don't you ever flirt with my bestfriends olivia" i said glaring at her

"I though me and Myke are your bestfriend" Olivia pouted

"Welll...Myke is my bestfriend but you...meh" I said I was technically joking

"Hump!" Then Olivia went to her room while stomping like crazy

"And she's a killer too?" Jungkook ask looking at my face



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