Chapter 29- SAVE ME, NO..IM FINE.

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What? Your not ganna beg to let you go?" Yes, Her plan was successful. She took me away from them and kept me in this abandon basement and Im here tied up to a chair

"Nah...Im fine" I said getting tired at every word

"This is not the scene I want..You should be the one who's begging me to release you!" She said getting angry

"Ahhh...??? Nah." I said and shook my head

"GUARDS! Make her beg!" She said

"Do it." I said and smirk at her. After i smirk she became more and more angry

"Punch her or something!" She said and they obey punch the hell out of me

As they were punching me I thought

'I was like that when I was  the Queen of the school' I thought... As I thought that..My lips curve into a smile that cause Her to be annoyed also.

She told the guard to stay back and they obey.

Then she got a gun a reload it and shoot it on my leg

"T-that didn't hurt a thing.." I said my depression is clearly kicking in.

Then she  shoot my other leg

"What the heck bijj? You should go and straight to the main source the heart and the brain" I smile at her

"Why are you fcking like this?!?!" She shouted and pull her hair clearly hurting herself

I smile bitterly before saying

"Cause I already hate myself" I swang my head down.



good thing we got a gps track on Jin" Hoseok mumble

"Now let's go to the fvcking location" Yoongi said pushing everyone on the van

"How bout our childrens?!" I said

"They can handle on their own" he said then continue pushing me on the damn van

"Well? Are you not ganna invite me?" We heard a voice behind yoongi we all look behind him and saw Myke!

"How did you escape?" Jungkook ask

"Stray kids help me" with that We saw a gang walking towards us

"Hyungs!!" Jeongin shouted then  push everyone on his way then hug his hyungs

"Can we help save Keisha and Jin? After all Keisha is our princess" Chan said clingying to Jeongin

"Ofcourse! The more the merrier" hoseok said with a happy tone

"" yoongi whisper

"He said thank you" I said more clearly

They all smile then said

"Anything for you,Hyung!" Then they came running towards yoongi then tackle him with hugs

We separate them one by one sinve they're hugging yoongi super hard then the last one whos hugging yoongi was  Lee know

"Oh my ghod not the hoe" Jimin mumble

"Came on now Lee know get off of Yoongi" I said trying to separate him

"Nah" Then He Got up and carry yoongi

(Pretend that He's holding yoongi but clearly in thay pic Lee know was holding Jeongin)

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(Pretend that He's holding yoongi but clearly in thay pic Lee know was holding Jeongin)

"Waaaahhhhh!!" Yoongi screech

"Now everyone in the van now! There's no time to lose!" Myke said we all obey and got to the van.

"Wow we fit in" Namjoon said

"Bijj no, we're just carrying one member" Lee know said pointing on his lap where yoongi is

"I'm ganna fvcking kill you" Yoongi warn

"Then try me" Lee know challenge

"You two! Shut the fvck up!" Namjoon shouted

"FINE!" They both shouted in synchronized


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