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in which we discover
a girl who's never been in love.
millie's p.o.v.

his fingers trail around my waist and alcohol sloshes in my stomach.

"millie," he groans, kissing me hard.

i'm pushed up against my best friend sadie's bedroom wall, some random guy's lips against mine.

the roaring party provides background noise, never once letting there be awkward silence, thank god.

i pull on his shirt bringing him closer. my fingers run through his curls and i give them a soft tug.

"oh my god you're driving me wild," the boy gasps, cupping my face to pull me in for another kiss.

i can still see his freckled cheeks in the dimly lit bedroom and his dancing eyes that are sparked with something. he's obviously high but i've had one too many drinks to care.

he whimpers when i pull away to catch my breath.

"what was your name again?" i ask him, licking my lips.

he runs a hand through his messy hair, never once looking away.
"finn," he replies.

"well finn," i drape my arms around his neck, pulling him in close enough so i can feel his staggered breath on my cheeks. "tonight's your lucky night."


i lay back on sadie's bed, my eyes looking up at the ceiling. sunlight is streaming though the curtains and i look over to her alarm clock which reads six-thirty a.m.

i turn over to my side and let out a thankful sigh when finn's not there.
that would have been a whole lot of awkward.

my head pounds and i rub at my eyes.

getting out of sadie's bed i'm happy to still be fully clothed. i shuffle downstairs and head for her bathroom, looking in the medicine cabinet for advil.

i head to her kitchen and as i'm pouring myself some water i notice someone hunched over a cup of coffee.


i drink down the pill quickly and turn on my heels. "you have to leave," i tell him, not making eye contact.

"well good morning to you too millie."

i'm taken aback by the raspiness of his voice but i quickly shrug it off.
"i'm serious finn, please go."

he holds his hands up in defeat and chugs the rest of his coffee before brushing past me to place his cup in the sink.

i feel his heavy-lidded gaze on my back so i turn, crossing my arms.

he looks surprisingly nervous as he fumbles to pull his phone out of his pocket. he holds it out the me, expectantly.

i nearly laugh my ass off.

finn's smile falls being replaced with a look of confusion. "can i at least get your number?" he asks with pleading eyes.

never been in love | fillieWhere stories live. Discover now