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Why does the air feel like it moves? What's the difference between red green and yellow? How many new starts do you get?

Nami's POV

I bought a tiny apartment with the money I got from my part time job. Since I have to go to what they call  'orphan school'. I don't get to work much hours to get paid more.

"Is this what it feels like to be free?" I yelled through the dusty window. I heard the person who lives downstairs open their window.

"Is it alright if you keep it down? I'm  trying to study." She said in a shy voice not even looking at me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to disturb you." I said then closed my window.

2 hours after unpacking

I slept on a blanket on the floor. Since I don't have a bed yet. I wondered if the kids there would bully me also. But I guess I have to find out tomorrow.

Morning Breeze...

After I got dressed into my black sweater that doesn't fit me all the way with black shorts, a hat with my hair in a pony tail and black sneakers I headed out.

The bus scene..

I got onto the bus I kept my pony tail facing the side people can't see.

"What are you doing here you rat?" I heard someone say but I didn't bother looking up.

"Answer me you rat! Take off your glasses and hand them over." The same kid said. I know I don't have glasses but I was to afraid they'd see my hair and bully me.

5 minutes passing.....


That's when I look up to see what was going on.

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