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Present Day

Seokjin POV

"Good morning my darling." is how I'm greeted this morning. I hum in acknowledgement, wrapping my arms around the slim waist of the short man before me. 'This man is my lover of 1 ½ years, Heonwoo Park. A man in his early 30s that I met on a set of a toothpaste commercial I was acting in. He worked previously as a manager of a girl that was supposed to work the commercial with me but she bailed last minute so he quit being her manager.He was very straightforward and pretty eye-catching, so of course he caught my attention very easily. A few run ins, then a few dates later and we became pretty serious, bringing us to this morning. He is a normal relationship, an easy relationship. He has a short temper, pun intended, a pretty good boyfriend, and a good cook.' I rest my chin on his shoulder, I still feel tired so I let my eyelids shut.

"Coffee?" his sweet voice is like music in my ears. I mumble a simple "Yes please". He giggles sweetly, "I'm so glad you're talkative today" he jokes, nudging me off his shoulder, reaching for my coffee mug. As I saunter over to sit at our island table I hear him groan, I'm guessing I left yesterday's coffee in there. "Sorry," I yawn out, stretching my arms above my head to awake my dead body.

"Why do you always fucking leave it in there, rinse it out, it's not that hard." he sends me a glare, I smile sheepishly. 'I think he's already having a tough day, I know he's been struggling to find a real person to manage lately so work hasn't been as consistent for him. He's offered to manage me but I've refused everytime. I don't want any professional attachment to him, he's my lover and I want to protect myself from anything negative that could happen.' He drops the cup in the sink, going to reach above him to reach one of the coffee mugs we both know he can't reach. I sneak up behind him, reaching over him, gripping a cup and handing it to him. I rest my hands on his hips and smile softly. He huffs and pouts, avoiding my gaze. "Honey~ will you forgive me?"

"No I won't." he huffs, crossing his arms, turning his head so my lips collide with his cheek instead. I tilt his chin so his eyes meet mine, leaning in to capture his sweet lip- we both jump at the sound of my phone ringing. He scoffs, pushing me back and walking over to fill up my coffee cup.

I snatch up my phone, "Hello? Yes I know. So it's been moved u- ok well my manager should've handled i- hold on that's him," I sigh as I switch the phone call from a screeching girl on set to my manager, "Jihun, is there something you wanna tell me?" I listen to him pant and huff on the other side of the phone. 'Jihun is a friend/colleague from college , a year younger than me, and my manager. I trust him, but he puts too much on himself at once and it shows at the worst times, like right now.' "I'm so sorry hyung! I was meaning to call you but I got off the train at the stop before my house and I had to catch up to it because I left my wallet in my seat! I'll be gasp cough cough on my way to pick you up in about 30 minutes. I'm so sorry hyung!" I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan softly. Poor kid, he's trying his best. "It's fine, I'll be dressed and ready, it's the eyeglasses commercial right? Ok I'll see you then. Thank you and be careful." I hang up and hear Heonwoo scoff.

"Again baby, I could definitely be a better manager than him! Just give me a chance!" I roll my eyes and pick up my coffee mug, walking back up the stairs to get ready. He'll continue to get the same answer, so I just avoid the argument that comes with it.

I come back down after 25 minutes,dressed to impress and lukewarm full cup of coffee in hand. Heonwoo is sitting on the couch, focused on his phone, still in his pajamas. I find a spot next to him, him switching his phone off and tucking it away. I take his hand and kiss it softly, looking into his eyes. "You know we have a little bit before Jihun gets here, he's always an extra 10 minutes behind. Can I please have a kiss sometime this morning?" I pout and he giggles softly. He leans in, I feel his lips so clo- We jump at the sound of my phone and I hang my head laughing softly. He lifts up my chin, pecking me quickly, handing me my phone and walking to go upstairs. It's Jihun to tell me he's outside and I'm surprised because he's on time for once.

"Baby I'm going!" I yell and hear footsteps. My lover is in front of me, hugging my tightly and kisses my cheek, getting toothpaste on me in the process. I smile down at him, and he walks me to the door. "I'll be seeing you later?" I ask him hopeful. It's been a while since I've been able to actually spend time and hang out with him. I've gotten so busy with bookings back to back and I'm thankful but I just wanna relax sometimes. He nods, smiling around his toothbrush, and gives my butt a pat, ushering me out the door.

~ time skip, he basically went to the commercial and killed it, he's Jin after all he's an amazing actor duh~

After my commercial, Jihun offers to get me coffee at a local cafe. Seeing as how Heonwoo's probably back at his own place and I could let him treat me to some food, so we make our way to the cafe. He orders a coffee, looking at his phone constantly. I'm munching on a sandwich, looking around the cafe. It was cute, simplistic, plants everywhere and the natural light was nice. Admiring my surroundings, people are typing on their computers, reading, sipping coffee, normal cafe manners. I flinch when I hear a glass crash, snapping my head towards the culprit. "Aish I'm sorry, how much is the glass?" I hear a... that voice sounds.. Familiar? "Please sir don't worry about it." the female employee giggles, kneeling down to pick up the glass. The man moves to remove his hat, bright brown hair? But he doesn't sound like a foreigner, and starts to help her pick up the glass. I'm chewing my sandwich slower now, watching the scene before me unfold.

The man stands up along with the girl and she holds out her hand for the pieces he picked up; I felt my heart stop. That.. smile, those.. eyes, those.. Dimples. "Fuck," I duck my head and notice Jihun is gone. Where did he go?? How could he just leave me?? "Fuck fuck" i whisper to myself. The one day I don't have sunglasses. All I have is a delicious half eaten sandwich and a cup of water in front of me. I go to swallow the food still in my mouth and I feel it get caught in my throat. Are you kidding me? I'm coughing harshly, finally feeling relief as I chug down my water. I sigh loudly, proud of saving myself from an embarrassing death.


Oh yeah, I forgot to try and keep quiet. I might actually hit Jihun next time I see him.


DAMNN THAT TOOK SO MUCH LONGER THAN I NEEDED IT TO BECAUSE I KEPT ARGUING WITH MYSELF ABOUT HOW TO CARRY THIS STORY. But I hope you enjoyed it! We're on a slow train but it'll pick up speed as the story progresses. Don't think that I used actual idols for Heonwoo or Jihun, I literally just googled Korean names and picked at random lol. I'll update soon, stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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