Big News Chapter 11

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I woke up for the second time to banging on my door.

"Go the fuck away!" Cole shouted to the intruder.

He had his arms around my waist and my head was on his bare chest.

"Mariana! It's Alexis!" Brandon shouted from behind the locked door still banging on it.

My eyes shot open as I jumped out of bed, in my t-shirt and shorts, opening the door to reveal a teary eyed Brandon.

The worst scenarios ran through my head all at once.

Did I lose her?

Is she gone...forever?

"W-what happened?" My voice came out hoarse and tears stung in my eyes.

"Mar, she woke up!" Brandon shouted excitedly.

She's awake? I let out a breath if didn't know I was holding as a smile formed on my lips.

"She's okay?" I asked happily ready to bolt downstairs and out the door to the pack hospital but Brandon stopped me.

"What the fuck are you doing get out my way!" I yelled in his face and I could see him flinch a bit at my harsh tone.

"Mar, there's a problem." He spoke slowly as he looked at the ground.

"What kind of problem?" I asked looking at him concerned as once again worst possible scenarios ran through my head.

"Well, apparently she was pregnant and I didn't know."

Alexis was pregnant and didn't tell me?

"Wait, she's pregnant, I can't believe she'd keep something like this a secret!"

I could feel myself becoming angrier as the seconds passed.

Oh, you just wait till I give her a piece of my mind!

Why would she go out running by herself if she knew she was pregnant and could put the baby in danger?

'Wait something isn't right, I can feel it'

Flame whispered more to herself but since she's in my head of course I heard her.

'What do you mean something's not right? Alexis and Chance just lied to us!' I spoke a bit more harsh than I had intended too.

'It's okay, and Chance won't talk to me! She was whimpering and then she blocked me out. She's never done that before Mar!'

Flame sounded worried but before I could respond I heard Brandon calling my name.

"Mariana?" He looked knowingly at me and then continued once he saw I was paying attention.

"Mar, she lost the baby." Those words kept echoing through my head.

She lost the baby.

I would've had a niece or nephew and because of those monsters, I'm not.

"I need to go see her." My voice cracked as I spoke.

I didn't wait for anyone to answer I just left and walked toward the pack hospital.

The whole way there the same question kept running through my head,

What's going to happen now?

Once I arrived at her door In the hospital I heard soft crying behind the door.

I stood there my hand half raised ready to knock.

Should I do this?

Can I do this?

I heard Flame growl lowly at my response.

She was mad at me for even thinking we should abandon Alexis and her wolf, Chance!

I slowly took a deep breath, and knocked on the door.

"C-Come, i-i-in" Alexis sniffled as I walked in I saw her more broken than I had ever seen her.

I immediately ran and jumped in the bed beside her just holding her close as she cried into my shirt.

"I'm so stupid Mar! I shouldn't have went out alone." She cried harder than I had ever seen her cry before.

"Sssh, Alexis you didn't know. We'll get through this together, you have me and Brandon there for you." I whispered into her ear as I stroked her hair.

We lay there for hours just talking about what it would be like if she hadn't lost her unborn pup.

"If it was a girl I wanted to name her Selena and if it was a boy I wanted to name him Jace." She looked at me with tears in her eyes.

Selena was my middle name and Jace was her younger brother's name.

He died when he was four from a rouge attack her parents blamed her when really Alexis died trying to save him.

I smiled sadly at her as tears ran down both of our faces.

"I'm really glad the guys let us be alone." She said while resting her head on my shoulder.

I wasn't planning on leaving her at all tonight and soon we both fell asleep in the hospital bed with tear stained cheeks.

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