Second sibling

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Name: mio Nakamura


Age: 17

Personality: skiddish (when I say skiddish she isn't jumpy she just can't sit still she is always moving not because she's scared or nervous just can't sit still) , sadistic, two faced, has a bit of a killer instinct, she is really childish, has a bed temper that gets her in trouble, and very full of herself

Likes: candy, messing with people's head, sitting and doing nothing, watching comedy shows, listening to rap music,
k-pop, pop music, and looking at her wardrobe

Dislikes: spicy things, bitter foods or drinks, sour candy, being told what to do, not feeling like she is the best in the world, her losing at dumb things, and her older brothers pervy-ness

Fun fact: she can be a perv herself when looking at something or someone hot or handsome

She is a music fanatic

She is very blunt

Background: her mom was a bit of well how do I say it.............a bitch this woman would make her study and never let her have actual friend ships or even a life it was studying and reviewing what she studied mio always wanted to be a bit of a badass to actually say no to her mother and she did she started to rebel she died her blonde hair and changed it to purple with blue strip her mother was furious but mio actually didn't care she wasn't going to hit the woman that birthed her so she just did what any normal or however normal you could get teenager do and that was throw a ball at her which was in her face and mio did not care she just fell to the floor and laughed her eyes out as her mother ran away

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