Sixth sibling

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(Made photo)
Name: Margo Nakamura
Nickname: marg

Species: ???


Personality: quite, smart, lazy, sadistic, and around other people very sophisticated

Likes: the violin, music, laying down, tea, quite people, watching the clouds, being alone, looking at the stars, and her kitten

Dislikes: her siblings hurt, her kitten hurt, and her siblings being loud

Fun facts:
She is as strong as Subaru
She has a huge temper
She can't stand the triplets cause they are too loud

Background: her mother never talked to her she was never sick in the head or anything Margo's Mother never cared for her never gave her love so marg was always alone she never experienced love be or attention she is sophisticated around others cause her father told her she needs to be like that since he noticed the others will never be like that

I'm sorry for not updating the internet I very slow and won't work I'm sorry the real chapter will be up soon I'm going to go and make it now again I'm sorry blame the internet

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