Chapter 15

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Yuri P.O.V


As sayori runs away,I chase after her I ran and ran and ran as fast as I could but I could never catch up..Eventually I lose sight of sayori and walk back to sayoris house I noticed a few things while I was heading back

1.Running after sayori was very difficult.

2.Sayori was saying "I'm sorry" Over and Over again while running.

3.As I ran after sayori the my whole surroundings seemed.....Empty and dark.

4.It seemed like she wanted to tell us something but couldn't say it.

5.When I was running after her I felt powerless...Which was very unusual because I was a bit energetic and determined to catch her at first..

I eventually entered sayori's house again and walk upstairs seeing natsuki first.She asks me if I caught sayori.I nod my head no,I can hear her curse under her breathe and looks back to.....Monika?"N-Natsuki...Wha-What happened to Monika?"I ask terrified..."Sigh....I don't know..She passed out..She was trying to say something,but as she was she collapsed..What do we do?"Natsuki says quivering in fear..."Both the president and Vice president are gone...I don't know what to do!.."natsuki says as tears roll down her face....Natsuki?.."W-what do you mean?"..I ask worried about her"I...I."More tears roll down her face.."I can't lose someone important again!"..."The literature club is the only place I call home!...I don't want to lose it" natsuki..... I..I can't do this anymore!I can't stand by and do nothing!   I grab natsukis hand and pull her in a passionate kiss..She kisses back and puts her hand near my waist .I blush by this action and break the kiss "Your not the only one!"..."huh?".."Don't you know I'm afraid of losing the club too?"...natsuki stares and smiles at me "S-So.....D-d-did you calm d-down?" I ask.I can already tell that my face was red."Huh?...Pft--Idiot ask yourself first before me" natsuki points at my face.I put my hand on my face turning my head sideward not knowing what natsuki means "Your face!" Natsuki says smirking "Its red!" Natsuki Chuckle's..I blush even more and smile,natsuki gets closer to me and hugs me."so......What do we do now?"..I  ask concerned.. "Well...I have an idea"Natuski says with a smirk "huh?"


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