Chapter 5

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Valerie's POV

"Wakeeeee upppppp!" I heard as curtains were pushed away grow the window letting in sunlight.

"C'mon! You are gonna be late or work! You only have to work a few hours today."

I hopped out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. When I was finished, i got dressed and went to the kitchen to grab an apple. Before I left, I walked into Ramona's room. She was laying on her bed looking at her phone.

"Whatcha doing?" I said sitting next to her. It was only 8:45 so I still had a little bit of time left until 9:00.

"Looking through twitter" she replied.

"So are you excited for later today?" I asked smirking

"Yes! Oh my gawd!"

"Well, I get off of work at 4 today." I told her

"Alright. I'll make sure I go to get food for all of us" she said tossing her phone to the side.

"Oh and make sure we have enough game controllers. For Xbox and PS3. Just ask Michael if he can bring some." I said picking up bag and apple from the bed.

She nodded and got up with me

I walked over to the door and put my shoes on. Ramona opened the door and handed me my phone and keys.

"Alright I'll see you later. And I'll text you on my break. I want hourly updates when they get here!" I said jokingly.

"Okay ma!" She said playfully rolling her eyes.

I walked out of the door and to my car.

Ramona's POV

*4 hours later*

When Valerie left for work, I decided to go to sleep for another few hours. I rolled out of bed and went to go make something to eat. I grabbed a bowl and the box of Reese's Puffs. As I was pouring my cereal, I got a text message.

From Michael:

Hey. I was wondering what time the boys and I should come over and what I should bring with me?

I quickly replied

To Michael:

Um maybe around 2? And bring any game that you think you can beat me at XD. And controllers for both Xbox and PS3 so we can all play.

From Michael:

Lol. I can beat you at any game. And alright. Sounds good. See you at 2

I finished eating then got in the shower. I found a shirt that said "I'm cooler on the Internet" and black skinny jeans. I went into the bathroom to straighten my hair and put on a little bit of eyeliner and mascara. I went to my room and found my black beanie and put it on my head.

I looked at the clock. It was only 1:30 so I decided to play the game and practice before they arrived

*2:03 pm*

"Yes Valerie and I got Chinese food." I said into my phone as I got my Gatorade from the fridge.


"look hey I got to go the Chinese guy is here." I said as I tried to open my drink.

"Ok well tell me what happens. " Valerie replied.

"K bye." I said quickly then hung up.


"I'M GOING."I yelled.

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