Chap titles will NEVER be related to the story >~<

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                    {|~ Chap One ~|}

     (5 years old | your POV - mini prologue)

   "Mommy why don't I have any quirks yet!" I always wanted to be big and strong like my mom and dad. But they were villains so they weren't really nice or supportive on my decision to become a hero. "Will you shut up about your quirk! It will come soon you brat! Now me and your father have a mission to complete, stay here!" And with that my parents left me in the streets alone in the middle of the night. I heard screams and blasts coming from a few miles away but did I care. Yes! Poor innocent people, how can mommy and daddy be so foolish to not realize these people are hurting. Even their own daughter.

     (10 years old still your pov)

   "Why can't you guys ever take a second to think about your daughter and what she thinks! You guys only care about eachother and defeating All Might! You never even supported me when I was being bullied. You cheered the bullies on, never once did my name ever cross your mouth in a good way and I'm so sick of it!" I threw up hand to the right and a vase went flying. Yea, my quirk was telekinesis and my parents always hoped I can use it in a good way. But their definition of 'good' is bad. "Sweetie join us, be the villain we've always wanted you to be. Then we will cherish you and even help you train!" My Mom tried to walk towards me, but I know better her hand was out and that means she's about to- "LET GO OF ME IM NEVER GONNA BE A VILLAIN I WANT TO BE A HERO!" I yelled really loud. She used her quirk on her own daughter. Tei's (my mom) quirk consisted of vine and water. And you'd think she'd be calm and sweet. She used it to trap humans or pro hero's and then my father would finish them off with his quirks. Yea Fuganatei my father has 2 quirks. One was telekinesis, which was passed to me, and the other was fire. He would always burn me if I did anything wrong which right now was a time he would burn me. "You see (y/n) if you want me to stop burning you, all you have to do is agree to be a villain." And with those words her burned my face leaving a mark that I know one-hundred percent would scar. It was the left side of my face and it was covering 40% of my cheek. I cried out in pain as my mother let me down. "Schools in 10 minutes and you cleaning up the vase!" School. Crap, I can't go looking like this!

   After getting ready I got on the bus and my best friend Izuku kept asking about my burn on my cheek. We were friends for 4 years and he doesn't know my parents are the top 2 villains in the world. On every application or paper I have a fake last name down to protect the fact I'm their daughter. "It's noting Izuku now stop asking!" I yelled and everyone on the bus heard. When I yelled I pushed my arms out and Izuku and the kid beside me on the opposite end of the buss went flying into the walls beside them. "Omg Izuku! Are you ok I'm so sorry! Bakugo, I'm s-sorry!" I was always scared of bakugo and here I am. I hurt him now I have hell coming my way.

   "Detention today and a 3 day suspension" the principal told me. I nodded slightly in agreement. "I'm sorry" i whispered as I leaving. "I'd like to see your parents tomorrow" I froze at him saying parents. "No no no no" I wove my hands frantically. "They won't need to come in you can call them there always busy so they will call back as soon as possible!" After my little freak out I heard words I didn't want to hear. "I know who your parents are,(y/n). And I know YOU will be a villain one day. Their lucky I even letted you into this school." I started to tear up. "I'm nowhere even close to them I want to be a hero when I grow up not a killer like them! I'd never be a killer!" After those words I stormed into the girls bathroom. Or as though I thought..

"What the fuck (y/n) you see what you did! My Face is bleeding, AND I bet you're here to finish me off. Well it's not gonna happen!" Bakugo. How did I accidentally go to the boys bathroom? I swore it was the girls I double checked! Maybe my tears and legs hate me and made me run in here. "L-look Bakugo I'm s-sorry, I didn't mean to h-hurt you and I definitely d-didn't mean to come in the b-boys bathroom so I-I'll go now!" I stumbled out of the boys bathroom and it was passing time. Great, everyone pointed and laughed so I rushed to the actual girl bathroom and locked it behind me. I have to get out of here. But how. There's cameras everywhere except the bathrooms so I'm ok to use my powers in here, just gonna. Ugh I wish I had fire so I can burn through this wall. Unless I do? I tried for 4 minutes and nothing happened. I finally slammed my hand onto a sink out of frustration and it shattered. Was that my force or a quirk? It's happened before too when I slammed my hand onto a table. I ran to the wall and punched it and I went outside the school. It's a quirk! I can't go back home but I need clothes. I can stay with Izuku his mother's nice and she will understand and not tell anyone right? How am I supposed to sneak home when my parents watch the whole town 24/7 there like owls where they can see any little thing move. I made a run for my house in the back alleys cause my parents always kept a keen eye on the main streets for all might or and villains to pair up with.

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