Fish Slapping

278 9 14

Forget the award I got in 7th grade (kindergarten) for writing the best (worst) essay (sentence)! This is real writing:

Olvan: *sits in chair drinking coffee*

Meilin: *walks up to Olvan and slaps him with fish*

Conor: *does the same*

Rollan: *does the same*

Abeke: *does the same*

* continuous line of fish slapping*

Olvan: erm.... *grabs phone* hi... is this the mental health hospital?

Rollan: *fish slaps phone out of hand*

Olvan: um... are you mentally okay?

Meilin: *slaps Rollan with fish*

Rollan: *slaps meilin with fish*

Meilin and Rollan: * takes turns slapping each other with fosh*

Conor and Abeke: *does the same*

4 hours later

Meilin: *drops fish*

Rollan: *drops fish*

Conor: *drops fish*

Abeke: *drops fish*

Fish: *turns into unicorns*

Four fallen: *ride on unicorns*

Unicorn: *knocks Olvan's coffee over*

Olvan: NUUUUU * kills unicorn*

Unicorn: *bleeds rainbow, metallic, blood*

Lenori: *floats in blood* *makes oatmeal raisin cookies*

Meilin: *surfs on fish*

Abeke: *draws giant butterfly*

Butterfly: *comes to life*

Greencloaks army: *draws giant butterflies*

Butterflies: *comes to life* *poops pineapples*

Olvan: hi, is this the mental hospital?
I need an ambulance.

Mental hospital: how bad is it one to ten?

Olvan: eleven.

Mental hospital: *arrives dancing on blobfish*

Tarik: *rises from dead* *dances*

Devin: *dances* *stabs Conor* *dances*

Conor: *dies*

Conor: *revives* *dances*

Great beast: *revives* *dances*

Suka: *dances*

Gerathon: *eats lenoris cookie*

Gerathon: *eats coffee room*


Olvan: *eats gerathon*

Gerathon: *revives* *eats olvan*

Olvan: *revives* *eats gerathon*

                       4 hours later

Gerathon: *revives* *eats olvan*

Olvan: *revives* *eats gerathon*

Gerathon: *revives* *eats Olvan*

Abeke: Want dinner?

Conor: sure

Meilin: I could eat.

Rollan: *nods*

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