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When I wake up. I'm in Katsuki's arms. He was already awake and was stroking my hair. I look into his eyes lovingly and he stares right back with the same feelings. His face drifts closer to mine until his lips connect against my own. The kiss was loving and soft, I smiled into the kiss and put my hand on his cheek to signal to stop. He groans.


"We got school, we're already late dumbass."


"My dumbass."

He smiles at me admiringly and helps me out of bed. We get ready as if nothing had happened, as if I was never going to die, as if I didn't almost destroy our relationship. Now that we knew how we felt about each other things just slotted into place, our life was back on track and better than before. We walk out the door hand in hand and walk to school. When we walk through the gates the school grounds were silent, a few students walking here and there. Katsuki stopped and turned to me.

"(y/n) I can't even express how much you mean to me. Being here with you at this very second, holding your hand as your boyfriend makes me so happy. Being able to call you mine feels amazing. I feel like a dumb little boy because youre my first love. I might not know a lot about love but I'm sure as hell that a part of it is making sure you're happy 24/7. I want to be the best boyfriend you could ever have, I'm going to take you places youve always wanted to go, I want to make heaps of memories together, ones we can tell our children. I also want you to rely on me, be able to tell me all your problems, anything you'll ever need I'll get you. This is all because, I love you (y/n)."

I was in aw, my eyes were glossing over. He was smiling at me in a pure way. I enveloped him for an affectionate kiss, I was so happy tears were leaking out the corners of my eyes. This was the happiest I had been in forever.

"Why are you saying all this?" I asked.

"Because I realised that I didn't give you a proper confession so here it is. Now come on class has already stared and I believe we have an announcement."

We walk into class hand in hand. When we reached the door we let go of each-others hand and I winked at Bakugou.

He walked in first then a followed a few minutes later. I look over to Aizawa and mouth 'may I?' he nods.

I step up to the front and clear my throat, everyone's eyes were on me.

"Hi everyone, I'm finally back after being gone for a while. Anyway as you all know I had Hanahaki. This really affected me and all of you but now I can say that it's been taken care of. I finished taking to my doctor last night and he said everything should be ok now. Although after I feel like I'm constantly forgetting something."

I keep a straight face as I see Bakugou make a fake shocked expression as he makes his way over to me. Mina was the first to speak.

"Oh my gosh, (y/n) I'm so sorry we couldnt help."

The whole class fell into a sad silence. Watching as Katsuki continued his act of being devastated.

"I know Mina, Now I'm stuck with this idiot forever."

Everyone perked up to see me wrap my arms around Katsukis torso.

"She's mine, so don't even think of even breathing in her direction."

Everyone was shocked. Momo finally pipped in.

"So Katsuki loves you to (y/n)?" I nod


Everyone expressed their support as Aizawa ushered us back to our seats.

The rest of the day went by quickly, and not once did my mood falter. I was on heaven on earth. I had everything I needed by me. Katsuki and a class of supportive friends, Aizawa was practically my new parent. Everything was perfect. When me and Katsuki went home that day it was apparent that Katsukis mood was happy too. I was content, I wouldnt ask for anything else in the world.


Hi guys, if you don't want to read this you don't have to but I just want to say a few things. when I started writing this book I really didn't see it going anywhere, I'm honestly so thankful that it reached just over 1k reads. I've read all the comments so if you wrote one I'll tell you right now that I read them and they helped me keep going. Writing this book was really fun, I feel like it's one of the only things I'm decent at. Now that its practically over I'm kind of sad. I didn't even want to publish chapter because it would make it real. But I do plan of making some extra chapters just for fun. But until then this is goodbye. Thankyou for reading my book and I really hoped that you enjoyed it.

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