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These two were fighting all morning. Lately, Willow has been very bitey and keeps trying to play-fight with him and use her teeth while she's at it, leading to Eddie snapping his jaws back, but last night and this morning, Eddie's been very fussy and has been starting the fights again, and before that he was usually so patient with her until her claws and teeth came out and he'd even try to groom her. He'd play with her too, but hold back because he knows he's bigger and stronger than her and allowed her to take a fighting chance if she wanted it.

I usually wake up around 5 AM if I can help it, but today, I woke up to my alarm and Eddie pouncing on my bed. He wanted affection and Eddie and Willow were both naughty shortly after, so I put them both in a time out aka separate rooms. Eddie did not like it. Neither did Willow. I tried everything to get the two to stop fighting, I fed them more wet food and treats than they are usually allowed (probably not the healthiest option), I played with them, I even put on music meant specifically for helping cats relax, but nothing worked. Then Eddie came and got me and begged for my stepdad. I knocked softly, nothing. I tried picking the lock, it didn't work (because I suck at picking locks). I knocked loudly, I got a very irritated "What!?" from him.

I told him Eddie wants him, he replied he'd be fine, I retorted he's literally begging at your door, and he begrudgingly opened it up for him. I went to take my shower and eat breakfast (Willow might have drank my coffee, I caught her with her face in my cup with her tongue about to touch the liquid, so I dumped the rest in the sink and gave her the rest of my green beans instead, which she ate all of bc of the butter, hey, at least she's getting some vegetables), then I went to check on Eddie and Tony, and I found the above picture. Tony-Dad has this incredible way with these two that I don't have, so I knew he'd be able to help, and I cannot thank him enough for this. I'm so grateful.

I should probably call the vet. I'm not sure what to do if a cat might have ingested coffee, but she doesn't appear to be sick or anything like that, so I probably wasted a good two cups worth of coffee, water, and French vanilla coffee cream (I can't have coffee unless it's watered down or half-caffeinated or I'll get the jitterbugs, and possibly high). I have to take care of my sister too, she has cellulitis again and she has a cold too and she's really upset about it. I'll give you note deets on my profile. Also, if you guys are wondering why I was gone for so long, my iPad died and my sister was hoarding all the chargers. It took me weeks to grab one from her. I do have a new laptop, but I've only really been using it to message LukasAppleMlp on here. I might have messaged a few others, but I prefer the app over the website, so I prefer to talk to you all on my iPad. Speaking of my new laptop, it's a gaming laptop with lots of storage, so all my videos and photos and games fit on it. Now to download Movavi again so I can make my own movies.

What? You thought I was gonna sleep? Nope! A writer's work is never done! I can't sleep when I have so much work to do! 😁😁😁 Also, I'm a cat mom now. I can't sleep with these two troublemakers around. You never know when they'll wake up and start causing a ruckus again! 😄😄😄

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