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We have a fourth dare from DragonGirlHTTYD.

Scene: The Twins house on Berk

Emma: "Thanks guys for inviting me to come over."

Tuffnut: hanging upside-down. "It was our pleasure!"

Ruffnut: "I disagree."

Tuffnut: "Come on sis, we agreed."

Ruffnut: "I never did."

Emma: "I don't care if you agreed or disagreed, I have news for you two."

Ruff and Tuff at the same time: "Really?"

Emma: "Yup. You two have to switch your clothes, and switch your dragons for three days. Then on the last day, you have to go to Whispering Death Island, and gather Whispering Death scales."

Ruff and Tuff at the same time: "Awesome!"

Emma: leaves.

Ruff and Tuff change clothes. For two days, they rode each others head on the Zippleback Barf & Belch.

On the third day, they fly to Whispering Death Island

Tuffnut: "This, is going to be awesome!"

Ruffnut: "I know, right!"

Tuffnut: "Let's see if there are any Whispering Deaths."

Ruffnut: "Sure."

They check for Whispering Deaths, find none, and decide to go into a tunnel.

Tuffnut: "This place looks awesome!"

Ruffnut: "I agree!"

Something growls behind them.

Tuffnut: "What, was that?"

Ruffnut: "Should we?"

Tuffnut: "We shall."

They turn around, to meet the Screaming Death, face-to-face.

Screaming Death: "Hhhhhaaaaaahhhhhssssssss!!!"

Ruff and Tuff at the same time: "Aaaaahhhhh!!!"

Ruffnut: "Let's get outta here!"

Tuffnut: "No, we have to get some of the scales!"

Screaming Death: "Hhhhhhaaaaahhhhhsssss!!!"

They run for their lives. When they are out of reach of the Screaming Death, they go back to the Whispering Death hole.

Tuffnut: "I think we lost him."

Ruffnut: "Yeah, let's go get those scales."

They climb down into the hole, and walk deep into the tunnel. They find a whole room full of scales.

Ruffnut: "Quick, let's gather some of these up, and get out of here."

Tuffnut: "Agreed."

They gather up arm fulls of scales.

Tuffnut: "Let's go."

Ruffnut: "Agree."

They walk back down the way they came, and climb the entrance of the tunnel. They hop onto Barf & Belch, and fly towards Berk.

Scene: Berk's Village

Ruff and Tuff enter the Village.

Emma: "Your back! With Whispering Death scales! And your still alive!"

Tuffnut: "The trip, was awesome! I wanna do it again!"

Ruffnut: "I'll pass. I wanna wear my clothes."

Ruff and Tuff get back into their own clothes.

In the Whispering Death tunnel on Berk

Snotlout: "I'm. So. Hungry. I'm. Going. To. Die."

Whispering Death: "Hhhhhssssss."

Snotlout: lays down on dirt bed he made.

End of Chapter

Will Snotlout live at the end of these hard and lonely seven days? Find out next time.

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