They're awake boss

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???'s POV
I had waken up a bit ago and was beginning to freak out as i knew exactly where i was. I had tried to wake my sister up but she didn't budge. I had ended up pulling my knees to my chest and sitting there as my eyes darted across the room. I felt something brush against my feet as i looked to see Serrina my sister waking up. As soon as she opened her eyes she jolted up and looked around before getting a look of fear in her eyes as she looked at me. By this point i have laid my head on my knees as i knew the situation we were in again. "Jax..are we where i think we are..." i slowly nodded as my eyes started to become darker and glow a dark red out if anger and confusion on why we had been kidnapped again by this same person.  I was pulled out of my thoughts when Serrina began to yell at me.  "Why are we here! Again! I just dont understand what he wants with us!" My eyes were glowing brighter as i lifted my head and yelled back before standing up "How am I supposed to know?!"
Serrina's eyes glowed a light purple as she stood and snarled back "YOU used to WORK for him! You tell me Jax!" I was about to literally slap her as i felt someones gaze and looked behind me to see a kid, around eight years old. He looked terrified and then I realized i was glaring at him. I softened my gaze and my eyes calmed as i walked over to him. I knelt to his level. I smiled and spoke. "Are you ok? What is your name?" I asked. He stood and i realized that he was wearing a giant white sweater that had blood down the front and on his sleeve. There was also some dried blood on his lips. I tilted my head as he began signing. I could make out a couple of letters as i only new some of the alphabet.  "Alec?" He shook his head and spelt it again but replaced the last letter with an 'X' shape by crossing his fingers and i smiled. "Alex? Right?" He smiled and nodded. "Im Jax, this" i grabbed Serrina's hand "is my sister Serrina. Do you have any family here?" I asked. He looked around and his eyes widened as he looked at me and nodded pointing to a girl lying on the ground. "Whats her name?" I asked.  'Max' he signed.  Just as he signed that she jolted up and looked around.  "Alex? Oh there you are!" She yelled as she stood up and walked over to him.  "Are you ok?" He signed quickly as she nodded and looked over at us and stood from her kneeling position and looked at us. "Jax? Correct? Thank you for calming him down." She put her hand out and i shook it as she gained a nervous expression. "By any chance do you know where we are?"
My expression turned grim as my eyes flared and she stepped back a bit. "Sorry for startling you, this place stirs unwanted memories for me and my sister. But to answer your question, yes, i do know where we are..." she nodded and then looked at Alex. "Are we in any danger?" She asked. I nodded slowly.  "Unless if we can find a way out, we are in a  lot of danger..."  Serrina had found interest in the ground and she fiddled with her hands. Her head snapped up as we heard a startled shriek from the other side of the room, followed by a yell.  "GODDAMNIT" that woke a couple others. "I figured she would be here" Serrina said as she looked at the girl across the room. "Yep. Theres Fallen." I said under my breath. She was also a main target as she had a bad past with death. She also had a grudge against me since i worked with him before. Her eyes locked on me and she glared as she walked over.  "YOU! Shouldnt you be helping our kidnappers as you HAVE WORKED WITH THEM!" She asked as she pushed me and i didnt budge. My eyes flared up more and i smirked. "Oh come on fallen. How are you not over that. It was one time plus i didnt know what was happening." She glared as she went to punch me in the face but my hand came in contact with her fist before my face did. I chuckled and pushed her back as she stumbled. She sighed and walked over to a wall and leaned against it.  She looked over the room and saw cages across the room she squinted and her eyes widened as she went over and opened one of the cages as two large german shepherds tackled her and licked her face. She laughed and got up as she said something making them stop and stand by her side and follow her as she walked back over.  They started growling at me and Fallen smirked and spoke. "Looks like they remember you huh Jaxer?" I tensed as she said my name and snarled. "Dont. Call. Me. That." That name stirred old memories and is why i mainly go by Jax or J. My past is one of the things i only share to people i trust deeply.  Fallen had somehow figured out my past and used it against me.  She smiled and sat down.  A couple other people had been watching. One that interested me was a girl who had curly long blonde hair up in a messy bun. She also had a red and white striped sweater and ashy blue eyes. She looked more scared then anyone here and wasnt looking around but looked like she was trying to hear what was going on. I walked over and tapped her shoulder and she jumped looking in my direction "Hey, are you ok?" She shook her head. "I-i need to find Spiky." She said as her voice wavered. "Whose spiky?" I asked. "M-my service blind.." my eyes widened. I went over to the cages where Fallen found her dogs and sure enough i saw a white husky with a service vest. "Spiky?" His head shot up and i smiled as i opened the cage and lead him over to the girl. He went right next to her side and nudged her since she was having an anxiety attack and he laid his head on her lap to calm her. She calmed down a bit and stroked his head and said something that i could barley make out. "Thank you." I smiled. "Youre welcome. Whats your name. Mines Jax." She smiled and looked in my direction "my name is Bailey." I smiled and sat next to her. This was going to be a long time...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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