• Giggles •

547 17 87

Genre: Fluff

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"Hyung! What are you doing?"

Changkyun let himself fall down on the soft couch, next to Minhyuk who was busy binge watching things on his iPad.

"Nothing...just watching a video of Kihyuns performance at-"

"Oh really?" He should've known that this would catch the young boys attention.

He glanced over Minhyuks shoulder and smiled exited at the video, although he couldn't really watch it since he wasn't tall enough to look over Minhyuks shoulder...but he could hear his favourite hyung sing and that was everything he needed.

"His voice is so beautiful...he is so beautiful...", Changkyun mumbled, still smiling at the heavenly voice.

But then another heavenly voice shouted into the room.

"wHo iS bEaUtiFuL?!"

Yoo Kihyun entered the room, of course not as quiet as Minhyuk might've wished he would.

Yoo Kihyun was never quiet. In any possible situations. Changkyun knew that better than anyone else.

Minhyuk let out an annoyed sigh at his, sadly, best friend who was destroying the olders actual hype about Kihyuns beautiful voice.

Sometimes people should just shut up and leave.

Ok, Minhyuk was no one who didn't get told that by time but Kihyun was really, truly annoying.

Especially if he was destroying their precious maknaes innocence again.

As always.

"You!" Changkyun teared his gaze away from the display, which he still couldn't look at, at the same beauty, now in real life, which was currently bending over him and grinning brightly.

"Aww you think I'm beautiful? You're so cute, of course I am!"

Kihyun squished Changkyuns cheek, who was giggling like a baby beneath him, and Minhyuk wished the main vocalist would fall over cause his arm couldn't hold his vanity anymore.

Yeah, Minhyuk loved him, of course he did, but it was still an unsolved mystery to him how the precious, cute, handsome and talented Changkyun, who could get anyone he wanted, chose Kihyun over everyone as his one and only.

He had to admit, being in a relationship with Kihyun had it's benefits.

He was super caring and you'd be woken up in a soft and cute way instead of a kick into your rips and an alarm clock pressed against your ear.

But way more negative sides.

He was still Yoo Kihyun. That was the biggest negativity.

"Yes you are. So incredibly beautiful."

Oh yes, it made Kihyuns ego rise as high as the Cheops Pyramids if Changkyun said things like this.

But it made his heart rather skip a beat and his body beginning to tingle all over in infinite love for the perfect creature, giggling beneath him as he pressed his lips softly against the younger ones.

Changkyun still smiled but Kihyun felt his slim fingers run through his messy brown hair which where still a bit wet from practise.

"I love you, hyung."

Kihyun reached forward and poked Changkyuns nose slightly with his own tip which made the younger one again into a cute giggling mess.

A whole baby.

"I'll give you 10 seconds and if you haven't stopped this shit or left then I'll murder at least you, Kihyun", Minhyuk said with an absent voice, now switching to videos of cat babies.

But not that Kihyun would ever care about such things, especially not if he was currently busy with his cute little boyfriend.

"I love you, too", he whispered against Changkyuns lips before kissing him again, in a way which made clear, he did not plan on stopping or moving in any way.

"Oh my god Kihyun, you smell so disgusting, how is Changkyun even able to let you exist over him, not talking about touching and kissing him", again Minhyuk, with a very absent and uninterested voice.

Sadly Kihyun couldn't hear him cause he was too busy pleasuring his boyfriends needs for Kihyuns lips and tongue, which he gladly fulfilled, followed by soft moans.

"I think you smell great."
Changkyun again, the only human in this room with peaceful intentions.

Ok, if Kihyun would start a fight with someone or someone would mock Kihyun, the young boy would be proud defending Kihyun cause, to be honest, Kihyun was some godlike creature and the one who owned Changkyuns heart.

It stood in big, beautiful letters, full of love, on Changkyuns most important organ.


And inside everything was decorated with pictures of him and things he had said and in general just Kihyun.

And there was nothing which made the maknae more happy than the boy, kissing him lovingly and passionately right now above him.

"Do I?"
"Yes you do."

Changkyun placed a quick peck on Kihyuns lips while whispering his next sentence, not wanting Minhyuk to hear it.

"You know I like that."

Kihyun just chuckled and brushed his tongue over Changkyuns lips.

"I like and love everything about you, Kihyun."

And there it was again, Kihyuns heart skipping a beat and his lips forming into a smirk, probably also caused by his ego again, but mostly because the most important person for him reciprocated his feelings.

And there it was again, Minhyuks disgusted and annoyed groan when he got up.

"You two suck. I want a life, without Kihyun making the precious Changkyun into his personal slut. Nothing against you, Changkyunnie. I'm leaving now, do what you want, but I swear to the gods, if you, Kihyun, dare to pull your dick out of your pants in any way, I'll cut that tiny, useless thing off, hear my words."

And with these words he left, head proudly tucked into the air, and cat-baby videos iPad under his arm.

Kihyun just chuckled after him and overflowed Changkyun with another wave of heavy kisses.

A small, "Hyung", was muffled by the young boy beneath Kihyun and something tucked on his shirt.

Kihyun smirked again, getting the hint Changkyun tried to give him and pulled him up on one of the pillows on the couch, making him lie more comfortable.

He looked down at his pride and joy, falling in love again, just like every time he looked at Changkyun.

"Finally we have more space...", the words Kihyun might've wanted to add went down in another volley of Changkyuns cute and helpless giggles he couldn't stop if Kihyun was breathing that perfect as always.

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